沒時間後悔 [No time to regret] - Jin Au-Yeung MC Jin 歐陽靖 + Hanjin Tan 陳奐仁 {Mandarin} {Cantonese 11}

This is a TVB Theme song for drama series Ghetto Justice II 怒火街頭 2
*為什麼自卑 幹嗎要後悔
wei shem me zi bei gan ma yao hou hui
why do you feel insecure why do you need to repent

就算再多挫折 我都不認失敗
jiu suan zai duo cuo zhe ngo dou bu ren shi bai 
even if much more setbacks I will not admit defeat

我不會流淚 沒時間後悔
wo bu hui liu lei mei shi jian hou hui
I will not shed tears no time for regret

di shang zai duo xue ji wo ye dei zhan qi lai
even more bloodstains on the floor I also must rise up

拜託 不是三歲小孩
bai tuo bu shi san sui xiao hai
please I am not a three year old child 

太多 人想看我受害
tai duo ren xiang kan wo shou hai
too many people want to see me suffer harm

bang wo kou kou sheng sheng de shuo
to help me only keep saying

到頭來結果 還是一場空
dao tou lai jie guo hai shi yi chang kong
in the end the outcome still is one empty space  

誰說 我不能自己來
shei shuo wo bu neng zi ji lai
who said I cannot do it  myself 

成功 用雙手建起來
cheng gong yong shuang shou jian qi lai
success use both hands to establish standing up

掌握 好的機會不多
zhang wo hao de ji hui bu duo
seize good opportunities are not many

這是我的show 又幹嗎不做
zhe shi wo de show you gan ma bu zuo
this is my show and why not do 

*為什麼自卑 幹嗎要後悔
就算再多挫折 我都不認失敗
我不會流淚 沒時間後悔

拜託 別煩我 我不在
bai tuo bie fan wo wo bu zai
please do not bother me I am not present 

再多 的電話都不開
zai duo de dian hua dou bu kai
even more phone calls all do not work

zai zuo zhuan ji dan dian nao kai
while producing an album but the computer works

有什麼好說 用電郵說
you shem me hao shuo yong dian you shuo
what do you have to say use email to explain 

結果 還是得自己來
jie guo hai shi dei zi ji lai
the result still must do it myself 

振作 把事業建起來
zhen zuo ba shi ye jian qi lai
cheer up take hold of matters to build up 

經過 這麼多的無奈
jing guo zhe me duo de qu nai
pass through so much helplessness 

ye shi shi hou gai gei zi ji dian ai
also is time that I should to give myself some love 

*為什麼自卑 幹嗎要後悔
就算再多挫折 我都不認失敗
我不會流淚 沒時間後悔

*為什麼自卑 幹嗎要後悔
就算再多挫折 我都不認失敗
我不會流淚 沒時間後悔


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