我們很好 [Our good] - Raymond Lam 林峯 {Cantonese 10}

我還是記得 我們遇見的那一秒
wo hai shi ji de wo men yu jian de na yi miao
I still remember that second when we met
那一種噗通的心跳 真的呢
na yi zhong pu tong de xin tiao zhen de ne
that kind of bursting through heartbeat really
願望越來越多 而世界好像越來越吵
yuan wang yue lai yue duo er shi jie hao xiang yue lai yue chao
wishes more and more and the world seems noisier and noisier
直到我們往前跑呀跑 幸福不見了
zhi dao wo men wang qiang pao ya pao xing fu bu jian le
until we run and run forward happiness disappears

我真的錯了 我不應該讓你走了
wo zhen de cuo le ngo bu ying gai rang ni zou le
I am really wrong I should not let you leave
我們本來可以很好 怎麼了
wo men ben lai ke yi hen hao zem me le
originally we could be very well what happened
如果時間重來 讓我再用心跟你擁抱
ru guo shi jian chong lai rang wo zai yong xin gen ni yong bao
if time comes again let me intentionally hug you again
我說願意 我真的可以 甚麼都不要
wo shuo yuan yi wo zhen de ke yi zhem me dou bu yao
I am willing I really can anything else also do not want

*你躲在哪裡 我找不到你
ni duo zai na li wo zhao bu dao ni
where are you hiding I cannot find you
愛需要真心 需要勇氣
ai xu yao zhen xu yao yong qi
love needs sincerity needs courage
天就要下雨 我快要哭泣
tian jiu yao xia yu wo kuai yao ku qi
the sky is going to rain I am nearly crying
你還不相信 我是愛你*
nei hai bu xiang xin wo shi ai ni
you still do not believe I do love you

我記得那天 你一直看著我來了
wo ji de na tian ni yi zhi kan zhe wo le
I remember that day you continuously watch me arrive
我們本來可以很好 很快樂
wo men ben lai ke yi hen hao hen kuai le
originally we could be very well very happy
思念越來越多 而我的說話越來越少
si nian yue lai yue duo er wo de shuo hua yue lai yue shao
longing more and more and my words are fewer and fewer
我還以為心裡的感覺 你一定知道
wo hai yi wei xin li de gan jue ni yi ding zhi dao
yet I thought the heart's feelings you would certainly know

*你躲在哪裡 我找不到你
愛需要真心 需要勇氣
天就要下雨 我快要哭泣
你還不相信 我是愛你*

你躲在哪裡 我找不到你
ni duo zai na li wo zhao bu dao ni
where are you hiding I cannot find you
愛碎成回憶 我對不起
oi sui ceng hui yi wo dui bu qi
love break into memories I am sorry
天就要下雨 我快要哭泣
tian jiu yao xia yu wo kuai yao ku qi
the sky is going to rain I am nearly crying
我問我自己 愛不愛你
wo wen wo zi ji ai bu ai ni
I ask myself love you or not
ai ni
love you
      做夢亦記得 與你初相見那十秒
zou meng jik gei dak jyu nei co soeng gin naa sap miu
dreaming also remember first met that ten seconds with you
迷糊地心跳安坐著 都像飄
mai wu dei sam tiu on co zoek dou zoeng piu
confusingly heartbeat while sitting also resembles floating
遠遠看著未來 連動作語氣都太美妙
jyun jyun hon zoek mei loi lin dung zok jyu hei dou taai mei miu
distantly watching the future even actions tones are too marvelous
直到很珍惜的不見了 堡壘也動搖
zik dou han zan sik dik bat gin liu bou leoi jaa dung jiu
until much treasured disappears a fort also shakes

願望若太多 有信心可以努力過
jyun mong joek taai do jau seon sam ho ji nou lik gwo
if too many wishes have confidence can strive for
明明幸福驚天動地 差什麼
ming ming hang fuk geng tin dung dei caa sam mo
clearly happiness startled sky moved ground missing what
說過要你快樂 才令你發覺不再快樂
syut gwo jiu nei faai lok coi long nei faat gok bat zoi faai lok
said want you happy then let you discover no longer happy
就算天邊星光給了我 未尋回最初
zau syun tin bin sing gwong kap liu ngo mei cam wui zeoi co
even if the horizon starlight given to me cannot retrieved to the beginning

*陪著你一起 但有著距離
pui zoek nei jat hei daan jau zoek keoi lei
accompanying you together but have distance
如距我千里 偏偏記起*
jyu keoi ngo cin lei pin pin gei hei
if apart a thousand miles from me unfortunately remember
曾踏遍天地 但抱著自己
cang daap pin tin dei daan pou zoek zi gei
once walked through the world but embracing myself
拿到了一切 只得痛悲
naa dou liu jat cai zi dak ung bei
obtained everything only have pain and sorrow

為現實進取 愛到一雙腳往後退
wai jin sat zeon ceoi oi dou jat soeng goek wong hau teoi
for reality forge ahead love until a pair of feet move backwards
明明幸福伸手就及 怎樣追
ming ming hang fuk san sau zau kap zam joeng zeoi
clearly happiness holding hand out then attain how to chase
這晚掛念著誰 連愉快說笑都有眼淚
ze maan gwaa nim zoek seoi lin jyu faai syut siu dou jau ngaan leoi
this night worry about who even pleasurably joking also have tears
直到天邊星火都散去 感覺如細水
zik dou tin bin sing fo dou saan heoi gam gok jyu sai seoi
until the horizon shooting star disperses away feelings as fine water

*陪著你一起 但有著距離
如距我千里 偏偏記起*
曾踏遍天地 但愛著自己
cang daap pin tin dei daan oi zoek zi gei
once walked through the world but loving myself
拿到了一切 竟想放棄
naa dou liu jat cai ging soeng fong hei
obtained everything actually thought about giving up

擁著你一起 但有著距離
jung zoek nei jat hei daan jau zoek keoi lei
hugging you together but have distance
唯有隔千里 方可記起
wai jau gaak cin lei fong ho gei hei
only separated by a thousand miles then can remember
成就了天地 但我問自己
sing zau liu tin dei daan ngo man zi gei
attained the world but I ask myself
如再抱緊你 怎麼說起
jyu zoi pou gan nei zam mo syut hei
if tightly hug you again how to start saying
oi nei
love you


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