執迷不悔 [No regrets] - Faye Wong 王菲 {Cantonese 93}

I will face my past and future.
No matter how much I lie to myself,
how much I don’t care about what is right or wrong

how much I regret or how open about I am about it,
there will come one day that I don’t want to think about my past.

If I decided to keep going with the relationship,
then I need to be prepared for the future.
I know that if we keep going,
then we will be separated because we don’t understand each other enough.

Everyone around me is wishing me all the best,
but I is already sick of you telling me that she is beautiful.

So I decided to say goodbye to you,
as I feel that if they keep going we would hate each other.

So why not separate today and hope that I will comeback one day.
I think that when I decided to comeback you may have changed you mind,
but I will keep loving him without regret.


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