那誰 [Who] - William So 蘇永康 {Cantonese 11}

你和那誰那天分手 你淚痕像條綠色的銹
nei wo naa seoi naa tin fan sau nei leoi han zoeng tiu luk sik dik sau
you and which who which day broke up your tear stain is like a green strip of rust

waan gu dei zung zoi ngaan zing jat gok
stubbornly growing in the corner of the eye

直到永久 抹不走
zik dou wing gau maat bat zau
until forever cannot wipe away

但是浮游在生活亂流 你那新生你也必須接受
daan si fau jau zoi sang wut lyun lau nei naa san saang jaa bit seoi zip sau
but drifting wandering in life disorderly flow your new life you also must accept  

就算多悔咎 自責別太久
zau syun do fui gau zi zaak bit taai gau
even if much regret do not blame yourself too long 

bat jiu lyun lyun sam leoi naa go soeng hau
do not long for that wound in the heart

*渡日月 穿山水 尚在恨 那誰
dou jat jyut cyun saan seoi soeng zoi han naa seoi
cross through life (sun and moon) pass through landscape still exists hate which who

誰曾無堅不摧 摧毀的廢墟
seoi cang mou gin bat ceoi ceoi wai dik fai heoi
who once conquer obstacles wrecked ruins

一早 變做你美好新居
jat zou bin zou nei mei hou san geoi
already turned into your beautiful new residence 

創疤你不挖 亦不知有過在這裡
cong baa nei bat waat jik bat zi jau gwo zoi ze leoi
wounded scar you do not dig also unknowingly have it here 

淚疊淚 風一吹 漸莫辨 那誰
leoi daap leoi fung jat ceoi zim mok bin naa seoi 
tears pile on tears wind one puff gradually cannot distinguish which who

連重提 往事也不再絕對*
lin zung tai wong si jaa bat zoi zyut deoi
even bringing up again past events also are not absolute again 

她怎傷害你 講起 你沒再吐苦水
taa zam soeng hoi nei gong hei nei mut zoi tou fu seoi 
how she hurt you talk about you do not utter misery again

有時你還覺得溫馨 這淚流像存在的表證
jau si nei waan gok dak wan hing ze leoi lau zeong cyun zoi dik biu zing
sometimes you still feel comfort and warm these tears flowing is like confirmation of existence

mut jau han gwo bin gang gaa fong ci
without hating is even more seems like

白過半生 冷清清
baak gwo bun saang laang cing cing
pointlessly living half a lifetime deserted

像突然忘掉尊姓大名 卻記得她教你差點喪命
soeng dat jin mong diu zyun sing daai meng koek gei dak taa gaau nei caa dim song meng
like suddenly forgetting full name still remember her teaching you to almost lose your life  

是創傷太重 或覺悟太輕
si cong soeng taai cung waak gok ng taai hing
the wound is too serious or enlightened too little

si nei bat dung sik fong jyun deoi dik gan sing
cause you to not understand how to release the root of blame 

*渡日月 穿山水 尚在恨 那誰
誰曾無堅不摧 摧毀的廢墟
一早 變做你美好新居
創疤你不挖 亦不知有過在這裡*

淚疊淚 風一吹 漸莫辨 那誰
連重提 往事也不再絕對*
她怎傷害你 感恩 替代了那苦水
taa zam soeng hoi nei gam jan tai doi liu naa fu seoi
how she hurt you thankfulness replacing that misery 

誰沒兩個致命舊愛侶 不見得就要聽到春天也恐懼
seoi mut loeng go zi ming gau oi leoi bat gin dak zau jiu teng dou ceon tin jaa hung geoi 
who does not have two fatal old lovers cannot see then want to hear spring also afraid 

可以不唏噓 可以不心虛
ho ji bat hei heoi ho ji bat sam heoi
possibly not sob possibly not lack confidence 

fong dai kwaa gwo heoi
release cross over to go

渡日月 穿山水 尚在恨 那誰
dou jat jyut cyun saan seoi soeng zoi han naa seoi
cross through life (sun and moon) pass through landscape still exists hate which who

誰曾無堅不摧 摧毀的廢墟
seoi cang mou gin bat ceoi ceoi wai dik fai heoi
who once conquer obstacles wrecked ruins

一早 變做了滿山青翠
jat zou bin zou liu mun saan ceng ceoi
already turned into a mountain filled of green emerald 

敏感處不碰 便不知你葬著心碎

man gam cyu bat pung bin bat zi nei zong zoek sam seoi
sensitive place do not touch then do not know you buried a broken heart

若舊夢 不堪追 就別問 那誰
joek gau mung bat ham zeoi zau bit man naa seoi 
if old dream cannot bear to chase then do not ask which who

從何時 你學會灑脫面對
cung ho si nei hok wui saa tyut min deoi
from when you learned to freely and easily confront

她怎傷害你 可否 就當做老天
taa zam soeng hoi nei ho fau zau dong zou lou tin 
how she hurt you can or cannot regard as the heavens

jyun zing nei naa mut co baai bo zit jat sang zi leoi
whole you do not have a defeated twists and turns life journey

功德圓滿 方可愛下去
gung dak jyun mun fong ho oi haa heoi
deeds satisfactory then can continue to love 

daai siu gwai heoi 
bring laughter to return


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