消失的光陰 [Disappearance time] - Jerry Lamb 林曉峰 + Chin Ka-lok 錢嘉樂 + Michael Tse 謝天華 + Jordan Chan 陳小春 + Ekin Cheng 鄭伊健 {Cantonese 13}

我定回歸 就像昨天承諾過
ngo ding wui gwai zau zoeng zok tin sing nok gwo
I am certain to return just like promising yesterday

點起戰火 今次是不只我一個
dim hei zin fo gam ci si bat zi ngo jat go 
igniting the war this time is not only me

如初 護衞你的還是我
jyu co wu wai nei dik waan si ngo 
as before protecting and defending you is still me

有些兄弟 毋須講太多
jau se hing dai mou seoi gong taai do
there are some brothers it is not necessary to say too much

*拳腳還是夠硬 雄心一向未冷
kyun goek waan si gau ngaang hung sam jat hoeng mei laang 
fists and feet still strong enough ambition all along not yet calm

何妨無視時間 來重閱理想清單
ho fong mou si si gaan loi cung jyut lei soeng cing daan 
why not disregard time come review the dreams list again

和你回復燦爛 重返年輕一晚
wo nei wui fuk caan laan cung faan nin heng jat maan 
with you to return to brilliance return to youth one night

消失於 光陰中 那份蠻
siu sat jyu gwong jam zung naa fan maan 
disappear from within time that type of barbaric

就趁你有得揀 來復發一晚*
zau can nei jau dak gaan loi fuk faat jat maan
just while you can choose come relapse one night

昨日離疏 陣陣痛苦還在播
zok jat lei so zan zan tung fu waan zoi bo 
yesterday's departure and neglect bursts of pain is still spreading

只得你知 心裡面想起哪一個
zi dak nei zi sam leoi min soeng hei naa jat go
only you know who you think of inside the heart

如梭 日月有否馴服我
jyu so jat jyut jau fau seon fuk ngo 
as if shuttling livelihood has or not tame me

尚有生命 才不管結果
soeng jau sang ming coi bat gun git gwo 
still have life only then disregard the outcome

*拳腳還是夠硬 雄心一向未冷
何妨無視時間 來重閱理想清單
和你回復燦爛 重返年輕一晚
消失於 光陰中 那份蠻
就趁你有得揀 來復發一晚*

退縮過的那一個 解釋過 反省過
teoi suk gwo dik naa jat go gaai sik gwo faan sing gwo 
shrunk back is which one explained reflected 

jau zung nei bat jiu zaau ngo
have guts you do not need to find me

coi dou ming jat gip wo 
cross over tomorrow's disaster and misfortune again

捱過無盡變幻 停手只怕未慣
ngaai gwo mou zeon bin waan ting sau zi paa mei gwaan 
endured endless irregular changes halt and hold only afraid not accustomed

何妨團聚人馬 來重認血跡斑斑
ho fong tyun zeoi jan maa loi cung jing hyut zik baan baan
why not reunite group of people come to recognize spots of bloodstains again

和你回復燦爛 重返年輕一晚
wo nei wui fuk caan laan cung faan nin heng jat maan 
with you to return to brilliance return to youth one night

叱咤於 風波中 那份蠻
cik zaa jyu fung bo zung naa fan maan
rebuke angrily within the crises that type of barbaric

猶幸有手足撐 何用太早散
jau hang jau sau zuk caang ho jung taai zou saan 
in a strike have brothers' support therefore why disperse so early


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