愛自己 [Love Myself] - Gigi Leung 梁詠琪 {Cantonese 96}

I have accepted that my relationship with my ex-boyfriend has ended.
I wanted to cry for this movie as the ending is not what I expected.

But I understands that we have broken up now,
it would save me from more sadness down the road.

I realised that I never let you go
and trapped you in a tiny space,
I am sorry for that.

I wanted to trust all you said and turn that to the truth,
it is such a beautiful world,
all I know is to relay on you.

Why did I get jealous when the other girl wasn’t interested in you.
Why when the girl is not even interested and I still brings it up.
Why did we face each other every day
but I feel that we are getting further apart.

Every memory,
I will think about it later.
Perhaps I will finally understand how to love myself when love has fled away.

I understands that we are not a good match
as our personalities are so different.
Perhaps I already got used to it and I doesn’t want to be apart
I wish that this might change one day.

I haven't treasured my freedom as I focused on your emotions.
I never cared about our dreams,
when sadness hit me,
I just blame it on luck.

Why I did I get jealous when the other girl wasn't interested in him.
Why when the girl is not even interested and I still brings it up.
Why did we face each other every day but I feel that we are getting further apart.

Every memory,
I will think about it later.
Perhaps I will finally understand how to love myself when love has fled away.

I know that if we got together again one day,
I will know how to love you better.


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