熱力節拍 [Beats of heat Wou Bom Ba] - Shirley Kwan 關淑怡 + Grasshopper + Karen Tong 湯寶如 + Winnie Lau 劉小慧 {Cantonese 94}

The lyrics are focus on being energetic and tries to give Marlboro a positive image. 
This one focus more on youth, which I guess was their way to try to sell into the youth market, 
Wou Ba Bom Ba Oh Ha Oh Hai

The heat hasn’t back off
it is so hot that it makes us dance.
Let just try our luck and there isn’t a need to reason.

No point in just sitting around waiting,
just get your friends and try out the trendy things without worries.

The world revolve all because of your youth.
People from far away are looking at you,
all wishes that they are like you.

The passion buried in you is prepared.
Let’s put yourself into this moment,
you will find new interesting things and love this world.

Our soul is not limited,
so let’s fly with me.
There is no need to give up yourself as your life is perfect.

Everyone play hard in summer,
this is me,


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