滾滾紅塵 [Rush of Red Dust] - Sarah Chen 陳淑樺 {Mandarin 94}

红尘 (hong chen) or Red Dust is a common connotation in chinese for the human world. The bustling people create surge of red dust from the ground. Theme song for the chinese film of the same name released in 1990 based on a book by famous chinese author 三毛 San Mao.
gǔn gǔn hóng chén
Surge of Red Dust 

zuò cí/ zuò qǔ :luó dà yòu
Lyricist/Composer: Luo Da You

演唱: 陈淑桦
yǎn chàng : chén shū huà
Artist: Sarah Chen Shu Hua

起初不经意的你 和少年不经世的我
qǐ chū bú jīng yì de nǐ  hé shǎo nián bú jīng shì de wǒ
In the beginning, you who is unaware and I, a naïve youth 

红尘中的情缘 只因那生命匆匆不语的胶着
hóng chén zhōng de qíng yuán  zhī yīn nà shēng mìng cōng cōng bú yǔ de jiāo zhe
Our connection in this world, arise because of life’s silent & hurried standstill 

想是人世间的错 或前世流传的因果
xiǎng shì rén shì jiān de cuò  huò qián shì liú chuán de yīn guǒ
Perhaps it’s the fault of this human realm, or maybe the karma of previous lives

终生的所有 也不惜换取刹那阴阳的交流
zhōng shēng de suǒ yǒu  yě bú xī huàn qǔ shā nà yīn yáng de jiāo liú
The sacrifice of a lifetime in exchange for our crossing of time 

来易来 去难去 数十载的人世游
lái yì lái  qù nán qù  shù shí zǎi de rén shì yóu
Coming is easy, leaving difficult – caught up in the wheel of life 

分易分 聚难聚 爱与恨的千古愁
fèn yì fèn  jù nán jù  ài yǔ hèn de qiān gǔ chóu 
Partings come easily, meetings difficult – thousand years of love and misunderstandings

本应属于你的心 它依然护紧我胸口
běn yīng shǔ yú nǐ de xīn  tā yī rán hù jǐn wǒ xiōng kǒu
The heart that should originally belong to you, it continues to grab tightly at my chest 

wéi zhī wéi nà chén shì zhuǎn biàn de miàn kǒng hòu de fān yún fù yǔ shǒu
For such is the unpredictability of human emotions after the changing faces of many lives 

来易来 去难去 数十载的人世游
lái yì lái  qù nán qù  shù shí zǎi de rén shì yóu
Coming is easy, leaving difficult – caught up in the wheel of life 

分易分 聚难聚 爱与恨的千古愁
fèn yì fèn  jù nán jù  ài yǔ hèn de qiān gǔ chóu 
Partings come easily, meetings difficult – thousand years of love and misunderstandings

于是不愿走的你 要告别已不见的我
yú shì bú yuàn zǒu de nǐ  yào gào bié yǐ bú jiàn de wǒ 
You who is reluctant to go, must bid goodbye to I who have already gone

至今世间仍有隐约的耳语 跟随我俩的传说
zhì jīn shì jiān réng yǒu yǐn yuē de ěr yǔ  gēn suí wǒ liǎng de chuán shuō 
Till today the world continues a trail of faint whispers, of our story

滚滚红尘里有隐约的耳语 跟随我俩的传说
gǔn gǔn hóng chén lǐ yǒu yǐn yuē de ěr yǔ  gēn suí wǒ liǎng de chuán shuō
In the surge of red dust there is a trail of faint whispers, of our story


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