你唔愛我啦 [Do you love me now?] - Rain Lee 李彩樺 {Cantonese 06}

Call 你 call 咗咁耐 四次你亦唔覆
I've been calling you for a long time, left 4 messages and you haven't called me back
實係做咗啲嘢 又怕我知道
What did you really do that you are afraid I will find out?
識你識咗咁耐 無試過話送花
I've known you for a long time, you've never even sent me flowers
So something must be going on for you to send me a gift for no reason.

成日唔搵 成日唔緊 成日話見但見一陣
you don't try to spend time with me, you don't seem to care about me, when we finally do see each other it is only for a short time.
your attitude is not the same as before, you have become really cold.
是但啦 算數啦 唔煩你啦 無人錫我啦
whatever, forget about it, I won't bother you. Nobody loves me
再見啦 無嘢啦 實在夠啦 你唔愛我啦
bye bye, it's nothing, I've had enough, you don't love me.
是但啦 算數啦 又話錫我 話咁快就變晒待我幾差
whatever, forget about it, you say you love me again, but then you treat me like dirt.
再見啦 無嘢啦 完場啦 你唔愛我啦 (Come On~)
bye bye, it's nothing, it's over, you don't love me.

聽我講咗咁耐 氹吓我亦唔得 淨係坐咗係話我太多心
you've listened to me speak for so long, your flattering won't work, you're just sitting here trying to make it my fault.
等你等咗咁耐 有無嘢同我講 淨係想聽多一次BB好愛你
I've waited for you so long, do you have something to say to me, I just want to hear you say baby I love you?

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