羅生門 [Rashomon] - Kay Tse 謝安琪 + Juno Mak 麥浚龍 {Cantonese 15}

若果你 未覺荒謬
If you don’t think it’s ridiculous,

to hold hands with the crazy guy in rumors……

很感激 喜歡我十年仍不休
I’m very grateful that you liked me for ten years and still haven’t given up

近日舊同學說我已 耿耿於你心六百週
recently, my old classmates said that i’ve already been in your heart for six hundreds weeks

很可惜 這一世未能長廝守
unfortunately, that we can’t be together in this life

but if i tell you the truth, maybe i will feel even more guilty

did i ever love Hello Kitty? seems like i didn’t…

狄更斯是漫畫嗎 仍然少女誤會了嗎
is Dickens a comic? still look like a girl…… are you misunderstood?

迷戀蔽眼才給美化 但其實真懂得我嗎
you were so obsessed with me and your eyes got blinded, so i have been beautified, but do you really understand me?

那動人時光 不用常回看
those beautiful times, don’t need to look back often

能提取溫暖以後渡嚴寒 就關起那間房
if you want to be warm and get through the cold, then close that room

最動人時光 未必地老天荒
the most beautiful times, are not necessarily to last forever

it’s unforgettable because you hold onto it too hard and don’t want to forget

容易抱住誰十年 最難是放
therefore you were so easy to have someone in mind for 10 years, the difficult part is to let go

真心講 想起那段情仍不枉
to be honest, when i think of our relationship in past, i feel like it was worth it.

if one day we meet on the street, i will smile and ask you about your current life

however, it’s unnecessary to look at your every night’s Facebook updates

離別了若想心安 先不要每夜重翻舊案
if you want to feel ease after breaking up, first don’t recall every night

望著更好的地方 為下段愛戀吸收陽光
look forward to the better place and get some sunshine for your next relationship

那動人時光 不用常回看
those beautiful times, don’t need to look back often

能提取溫暖以後渡嚴寒 就關起那間房
if you want to be warm and get through the cold, then close that room

最動人時光 未必地老天荒
the most beautiful times, are not necessarily to last forever

it’s unforgettable because you hold onto it too hard and don’t want to forget

容易眼淚流十年 難在擦乾
therefore you were so easy to cry for ten years, the difficult part is to dry it

still sigh about the relationship which has’t died yet but has been buried already

(afraid that the thoughts are too crazy)

it made the two people have an unsolved curse in their hearts, can’t be released

everyone asks about the secret of love never gets old

(everyone asks about the secret of love never gets old)

唯獨壯烈離座 可百世流芳
only a brave leave can pass for hundred of years

(難道抱著殘像 可百世流芳)
(will holding on someone’s broken pictures last forever?)

你未忘 我未忘 猶勝伴在旁
you haven’t forgotten, i haven’t forgotten, this is better than staying next to each other

(你未忘 我未忘 情信亦泛黃)
(you haven’t forgotten, i haven’t forgotten, but the love letters already yellowed )

不心安 清早與夜來亦望望
not feeling ease, having a look during mornings and nights

can’t receive signal, look again after two seconds

you once said keep in touch

從前號碼 等於老地方 不敢拆掉再裝
the old numbers equal the old place, not dare to open it then put it back again

(那動人時光 不用常回看)
(those beautiful times, don’t need to look back often)

(能提取溫暖以後渡嚴寒 就關起那間房)
(if you want to be warm and get through the cold, then close that room)

猶如絕症 天天有預感 幸福即將再降
as if having incurable disease, everyday i have the feeling that the happiness will be coming soon

(最動人時光 未必地老天荒)
(the most beautiful times, are not necessarily to last forever)

(最纏綿那黑影 即使每夜遊蕩 其實一早已給安葬)
(the most melodious and moving shadow, even it wonders every night, it has already been buried)

my love, if you haven’t forgotten

約定誰過十年暗渡陳倉 再續夜航
let promise to love again secretly after ten yeras, to continue our relationship

別瘋狂 下個一月
don’t be crazy, in next January

願如期團聚於 冰島某地方
wish we can have a reunion at some places in Iceland as promised

(讓前塵沉澱於 福島某地方)
(let our past precipitate at some places in Fukushima)


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