做場好戲 [Act a good show] - William So 蘇永康 + Charles Ying 應昌佑 + Kate Yeung 楊淇 + Jason Chan 陳柏宇 + Lesley Chiang 姜麗文 + Benji Chiang 姜文杰 {Cantonese 12}

No matter how the weather is like outside the door,
I will still hope for the best.
Whoever hasn’t agree, didn’t cheer,
but I will still keep going.

C: I wish that I could act in a good drama,
so good that you will enjoy it.
Never cared that other people have fought for it;
I said that all I need is to no give up.

No matter how hard the plan is to execute,
even if it only be push forward by a little bit.

Strength, who would care if it is old fashioned.

J & L:
The way I do this,
at the end it will not be wasted.

Those that I wanted,
I believe I will get them.

Knowing how to keep my dreams fresh,
I will forever stay young.

You are so heartless to say that fate had been predetermined?

C & K:
Don’t be deceived by others and became sad.

Those that you chase after,
at the end you will get it.

The hard earning award,
you have already got enough points to exchange for it.

Who is trying to stop me from dancing freely?

Dreams will be achieved, and it could be reached.

I wish that I could act in a good drama,
so good that you will enjoy it.
Never cared that other people have fight for it;
I said that all I need is to no give up.

No matter how hard the plan is to execute

L & B:
even if it only be push forward by a little bit.

Strength, who would care if it is old fashioned.

C & B:
The way I do this, at the end it will not be wasted.

Those that I wanted, I believe I will get them.
Knowing how to keep my dreams fresh,
I will forever stay young.

You are so heartless to say that fate had been predetermined?
Don’t be deceived by others and became sad.
Those that you chase after,
at the end you will get it.

The hard earning award,
you have already got enough points to exchange for it.
Who is trying to stop me from dancing freely?
Dreams will be achieved, and it could be reached.


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