蘭花草/兰花草 [Orchid Grass] - Timi Zhuo 卓依婷 {Mandarin 96}

我從山中來 帶著蘭花草
種在小園中 希望花開早
一日看三回 看得花時過
蘭草卻依然 苞也無一個
眼見秋天到 移蘭入暖房
朝朝頻顧惜 夜夜不能忘
但願花開早 能將宿願償
滿庭花簇簇 開得許多香
Orchid Grass
I came from the hills
Bringing an orchid grass
I plant it in the small garden
I hope the flower will bloom soon
I look at it three times a day
Until the season’s past
The orchid plant is still the same
There’s not a single bud
I see the autumn’s here
I move the plant to a warm room
Each day I watch with longing and care
Each night I do not forget my orchid
How I wish it would blossom in spring
Fulfilling my dreams
Filling our home with flowers and sweet scents

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