人間 [Mortal World] - Faye Wong 王菲 {Mandarin 97}

After rain and wind passes there may not be a clear sky
A fine sunny day does not have to have a rainbow
所以你一臉無辜 不代表你懵懂
So your innocent expression does not imply ignorance

Not all relationships have a beginning and an end
The edge of loneliness not necessarily dreadful
可生命總免不了 最初的一陣痛
But life can never avoid the initial pain

#但願你的眼睛 只看得到笑容
Hope your eyes will only see smiles
但願你留下每一滴淚 都讓人感動
Hope every teardrop you shed will be moving
但願你以後每一個夢 不會一場空
Hope your dreams will not be unfulfilled

+天上人間 如果真值得歌頌
The mortal world, if it is worth praising in song
Is only because of your lively presence
天大地大 世界比你想像中朦朧
Sky and earth are vast  The world is sleepier than you imagine
我不忍心在欺哄 但願你聽得懂
Hope you will understand

重唱: *, #, + +

但願你會懂 該何去何從
Hope you will know when to go and when to follow


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