听说爱情回来过 [Love Rumored to have come back] - Jolin Tsai 蔡依林, Sandy Lam 林憶蓮 {Mandarin 07}

I heard from my friend that the love stricken you came back
I want her to help me greet you, because I'm afraid I will never get it out
How much do you feel about the past, you, who let my heart break
I still deeply love
I heard from my friend that you, who understood me so well, came back
I want her to help me keep it a secret, because I'm afraid I will be more heartbroken if we met
I'm still having feelings for our past, and you, who once gave me happiness
I still deeply love
There's the hurt of wanting to meet you, but also fear of meeting you, there's the love still hidden in my heart
I can only put you in my heart
The kind of hurt of wanting to meet you, but also fear of meeting you,  makes my longing for you even more
I can only keep you in my heart
Only keep you in my heart
Your voice, your silhouette, your hand
I swear I never once forgot
As to you choosing your present lover
I can only say I'm a little sad
I really put my heart and soul into waiting


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