從不喜歡孤單一個 [Never Liked Being Alone] - Kary Ng 吳雨霏 / Angela Pang 彭家麗 + William So 蘇永康 {Cantonese 94}

The original one was sang by William and Angela. But I prefer the newer one, either way this song is great. Enjoy.

(女)想講不要走 偏偏好勝說我那在乎
K: wanted to say don’t go, but i was so aggressive and said i don’t care
面對世界我灑脫 一點不似太辛苦
when facing the world i’m free and easy, not hard at all
但在漫漫長夜裡 摘下面具便重因你再心碎
but in the long nights, took off the mask and my heart is broken because of you
all of my tears are like screaming for you
(男)原來自遠走 我方知道對你在乎
W: since i walked far i just realised i actually care for you
願能留住你心 我卻高傲不顧
hoped to hold your heart however i was being arrogant and disregard
現在夜夜唯後悔 但是現在像遲了一輩
now i regret every night, but now it’s like so late
我一句再會 竟會有無窮痛苦
once said goodbye, i feel infinite of pain
W: never liked being alone
W: unfortunately it happened being alone
(合)我不懂得跟我 獨自對坐
B: i don’t know how to sit with myself
原來沒有你 做人相當痛楚
without you i realised it’s so painful to live
W: never liked being alone
K: unfortunately it happened being alone
(合)你有否想起我 若是再遇
B: have you ever thought of me? that if we meet again
求讓我悔過 可不可再戀過
please let me repent, can we love again?
(女)多想講你知 根本對你我最在乎
K:how much i wanted to tell you that to you i actually care the most
願說對不起 只可惜你已不顧
want to say i’m sorry, but unfortunately you already don’t care
(男)現在夜夜唯後悔 但是現在像遲了一輩
W: now i regret every night, but now it’s like so late
我一句再會 竟會有無窮痛苦
once said goodbye, i feel infinite of pain
W: never liked being alone
K: unfortunately it happened being alone
(合)我不懂得跟我 獨自對坐
B: i don’t know how to sit with myself
原來沒有你 做人相當痛楚
without you i realised it’s so painful to live
W: never liked being alone
K: unfortunately it happened being alone
(合)你有否想起我 若是再遇
B: have you ever thought of me? that if we meet again
求讓我悔過 可不可再戀過
please let me repent, can we love again?
W: when we separated i couldn’t sleep i miss you even more
分開方知清楚 我永不懂去再愛另一個
after separated i just became clear that i will never know how to love another one
K: never know that clear
W: never liked being alone
K: unfortunately it happened being alone
(合)我不懂得跟我 獨自對坐
B: i don’t know how to sit with myself
原來沒有你 做人相當痛楚
without you i realised it’s so painful to live
W: never liked being alone
K: unfortunately it happened being alone
(合)你有否想起我 若是再遇
B: have you ever thought of me? that if we meet again
求讓我悔過 可不可再戀過
please let me repent, can we love again?


  1. I am just wondering if you are able to post the english lyrics for 蘇永康 - 不想獨自快樂.

    1. The song is available here, I just posted. Enjoy :)

