無間道 [Continuous Road] - Andy Lau 劉德華 + Tony Leung 梁朝偉 {Mandarin 02}

華︰ 我 要為我活下去
  I must live for myself
  Also replacing you (?)
  Suffering never relents
偉︰ 忘掉我 有沒有在陶醉
  Forget whether I’m influenced to obsession
  If the future is still chased

* 華︰ 生命太短 明日無限遠
  Life is too short, tomorrow is far away
  Seeming farther than eternity
偉︰ 不理會世上長路太多終點太少
  Don’t take notice of life on the road, overlong with few destinations
  The carousel continues to go around in circles

# 華︰ 明明我已昨夜無間 踏盡面前路
  Clearly yesternight never ended the road in front
  Why dream of another way of returning
偉︰ 明明我已奮力無間 天天上路
  Clearly I have struggled everyday on this road
  If I don’t die I’m fine

+ 合︰ 有沒有終點 誰能知道
  Who can know if there really is a destination
  In this eternally hellish mortal world?

重唱: *, #, +

華︰ 如何能離開失樂園
  How do you leave a lost paradise
偉︰ 能流連忘返總是情願
  Can linger forgetting to return altogether willingly
華︰ 要去到極樂條長路遠
  Must go down the long road distant

偉︰ 吃苦中苦
  Endure hardships painstakingly

華︰ 苦中苦
  Painstaking hardships

合︰ 熱永不間斷
  Never getting a break from the heat

重唱: #

合︰ 快到終點 才能知道
  Quickly come to know the destination
  又再回到起點 從頭上路
  Return to the beginning and start again


note: there are six lower realms of Buddhist hell - "無間道" refers to the lowest level, like a neverending suffering


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