只有你不知道 [Only You Don't Know] - Jacky Cheung 張學友 {Cantonese 94}

若你想問我 不會否認
If you wanted to ask me, not to deny
只有你可以 令我生命再有熱情
Only you can make my life have true love again
A heart not delusional but awakened
但這份痴心 唯獨你是看不明
But this divided foolish heart, only you cannot see clearly

* 常在暗戀你想你等你我的眼神 泛濫著愛情
In this unrequited crush you are waiting for my appearance to flood over with love
能令天知道她知道應知道都知道 偏偏你未知
To make the heavens know that she knows she ought to know
Painfully I know that you still don’t know
然後看秋去冬去春去始終兩人 未是愛侶
After looking at autumn, going through winter and spring
All throughout we’ve been together – but never as lovers
無論真知道不知道只知道 是我心碎
Even if you did know or didn’t, only know it’s my heartbreak

讓你的熱愛 點我生命
Let your passionate love touch my life
只有你可以 贈我希望 賜我熱情
Only you can give me hope, bestow me warm love
不惜躲進 夢境
Do not hesitate to escape into dreamland
願你像倒影 投在我熱熾心靈
Want you to flip the image around, throw to me your hot flaming being

重唱: *


重唱: * *

Even if you really know or don’t know, only know it’s my heartbreak
情話不知道怎麼說方可以令你~ 痴醉
Words of love don’t know what to say to make you enchanted


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