其實我不快樂 [Actually i’m not happy] - Linda Chung 鍾嘉欣 {Cantonese 08}

離別你不經意地 想工作暗天暗地
leaving you inadvertently, thinking about work for the whole time
直到可困倦沉睡 不掛念你
until i get tired and go to bed, not missing you
情願我呼天叫地 總好過這麼顧忌
i would rather to scream it out, it’s better than scrupling so much
害怕走往日場地 倘碰著你 會撐不起
scared that if i walk to the old places and see you there, i will not be able to hold on
和誰在一起 都用來共你相比
no matter who i’m with, i compared him to you
就算了不起 只可做到我知己
even that person is excellent he could only be my best friend
誰若寄望替代你 最尾都要放棄 只能退避
anyone who wanted to replace you, at the end they had to give up, can only escape.
和誰在一起 很自然共你相比
no matter who i’m with, i naturally compared him to you.
就算遊戲 笑著也未快樂得起
even if it’s games, i couldn’t be happy even i tried to smile
難道我在寄望有天可失憶 找到轉機
Am i wishing that someday i can get a loss of memory? then found a chance to change
其實我很不快樂 想躲進暗黑街角
actually i’m very unhappy, want to hide in the corner of the street
淚再可痛快地流落 不知哪日會對愛再有感覺
my tears are keep coming out, don’t know until when i will have the feeling of love again
和誰在一起 都用來共你相比
no matter who i’m with, i compared him to you
就算了不起 只可做到我知己
even that person is excellent he could only be my best friend
誰若寄望替代你 最尾都要放棄 只能退避
anyone who wanted to replace you, at the end they had to give up, can only escape.
和誰在一起 很自然共你相比
no matter who i’m with, i naturally compared him to you.
就算遊戲 笑著也未快樂得起
even if it’s games, i couldn’t be happy even i tried to smile
難道我在寄望有天可失憶 找到轉機
Am i wishing that someday i can get a loss of memory? then found a chance to change
和誰人在一起 都用來共你相比
no matter who i’m with, i compared him to you
就算了不起 只可做到我知己
even that person is excellent he could only be my best friend
誰若寄望替代你 最尾都要放棄 只能退避
anyone who wanted to replace you, at the end they had to give up, can only escape.
和誰在一起 很自然共你相比
no matter who i’m with, i naturally compared him to you.
就算遊戲 笑著也未快樂得起
even if it’s games, i couldn’t be happy even i tried to smile
Am i wishing that someday i can get a loss of memory?
難道這份記念如像空氣 欠缺就會死
Is this memory like air? i will die without it


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