絕戀 [Unrequited love] - Cherrie Choi 蔡立兒 {Cantonese}

The song "絕戀" by 蔡立兒 tells a story of heartbreak and longing. The lyrics reflect the emotions of someone who is missing a past love and contemplating the memories they shared. The first verse begins with the image of a person feeling sad and heartbroken in the dusk, with memories of their past love flooding back to them. The lyrics suggest that even though they have separated from each other, the person is still in love with their past partner and finds comfort in the memories they have shared together.

The second verse talks about the imagery of being left alone in a dimly lit room, with the rain outside serving as a metaphor for the emptiness and loneliness that the person feels inside. The lyrics suggest that the person longs to meet their past love again, even if it's just for a moment. The chorus emphasizes this desire to see their past love again, even if it's in their dreams or in old photos. 

Amidst the evening's darkness, I feel weary and heartbroken

Every lyric of love and song is ingrained in my mind

歌曲再重提心碎 分開了仍然心醉
Hearing the song again brings back the heartache, even though we're separated

But how many true loves have ended like this today?

Staying in an old house, the lights are cold

The rain on a cold night with the song feels like being in an empty ruin

星光引路隨風去 只要同渡百千歲
Guided by starlight, I hope we can stay together for eternity

Unexpectedly, the lyrics have become those of a final performance

I often stand alone in the mist, looking at your name on a tombstone

If we meet again, it will only be through cold old photographs

Even if we meet again in a dream, it will still feel like we're far apart

I hope that no matter how far we are, our hearts will remain unchanged until we meet again

My thoughts and memories run deep into the night

I often find myself lost in thoughts and memories, wondering if we can be together again

追憶似寒夜飛絮 當天愛隨時光去
Memories are like snowflakes on a cold night, reminding me that our love has passed with time

In the deep silence of the night, I wait for you to return home to our old house

Who has already drifted away in the night?

Time has passed quickly, and I wish to go back to the past to promise to love you for a lifetime

假使愛長存心裡 假使我共相距
If our love remains in our hearts even with distance between u

Let the wind and rain test me on how I can handle it

假使愛長存心裡 假使我共相距
If our love remains in our hearts even with distance between us

I will wait for you no matter how far we are


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