如果我變成回憶 [If I was the memory] - Tank {Mandarin 09}

妳今年21嵗,我27嵗。我會等妳到27嵗。我們一起過31415160 70到一百。
You’re 21 this year, and I’m 27. I will wait until you’re 27. We will be together when we’re 31, 41, 51, 60, 70 – all the way up to when we’re 100 years old.
累了 照慣例努力清醒著 也照慣例想妳了
Lei le zhao guan li nu li qing xing zhe ye zhao guai li xiang ni
I’m tired but awake, conforming with the effort expected of me, as well as missing you
好怕一放心睡了 心跳在夢中不聽話的 就停止了
Hao pa yi fang xin shui le xin tiao zai meng zhong bu ting hua de ting zhi le
I’m afraid that once I obtain a peace of mind and sleep, while I’m dreaming, my heartbeat would defiantly stop
聽著 呼吸像浪潮拍動著 越美麗越讓我忐忑
Ting zhe hu xi xiang lang chao bo dong zhe yue mei li yue rang wo tan te
Listening to breathing is like the waves beating back and forth, beautiful but making me feel more perturbed
我還能珍惜什麼 如果我連自己的脈搏  都難掌握
Wo hai neng zhen xi shen me ru guo wo lian zi ji de mai bo dou nan zhang wo
What else can I still treasure if I have trouble with controlling my own pulse
*如果我變成回憶  退出了這場生命
Ru guo wo bian cheng hui yi tui chu le zhe chang sheng ming
If I become a memory and I withdraw from this life
留下妳錯愕哭泣  我冰冷身體  擁抱不了妳
Liu xia ni cuo e ku qi wo bing leng shen ti yong bao bu liao ni
I leave you here dazedly weeping, my ice-cold body unable to hold you
Xiang dao wo rang shen ai de ni ren hai gu du lv xing
When I think of you who’s deeply in love and traveling alone within the sea of people
我會恨自己 如此狠心
Wo hui hen zi ji ru ci hen xin
I will hate myself and such callousness
如果我變成回憶  終於沒那麼幸運
Ru guo wo bian cheng hui yi zhong yu mei na me xing yun
If I become a memory, in the end, I won’t have that much luck
沒機會白著頭髮  蹣跚牽著妳  看晚霞落盡
Mei ji hui bai zhe tou fa pan shan qian zhe ni kan wan xia luo jin
To have the opportunity to have white hair, tottering about holding your hand watching the sunset till the end
Man chang shi guang zong you yi tian ni hui shang xin quan yu
During the endlessness of time, there will be a day where you will grieve and recover
若有人可以 讓他陪妳我不怪妳
Ruo you ren ke yi rang ta pei ni wo bu guai ni
I won’t blame you if there is someone else who could be with you
快樂  什麼時候會結束呢 哪一刻是最後一刻
Kuai le shen me shi hou hui jue shu ne na yi ke shi zui hou yi ke
When will the happiness end? Which moment is the last one?
想把妳緊緊抱著 可知妳是我生命中的 最捨不得
Xiang ba ni jin jin bao zhe ke zhi ni shi wo sheng ming zhong de zui she bu de
I want to hold you tightly; I know you are the one in my life who I would hate to part with the most
如果我變成回憶 最怕我太不爭氣
Ru guo wo bian sheng hui yi zui pa wo tai bu zheng qi
If I become a memory, I’m most afraid of being a disappointment
頑固地賴在空氣 霸佔妳心裡 每一吋縫隙
Wan gu di lai zai kong qi ba zhan ni xin li mei yi cun feng xi
Stubbornly relying on air and dominating every crevice of your heart and mind
Lian lei yi ran ai wo de ni tong ku cheng shou shi qu
Still involving the you who loves me, giving you pain and having you bear loss
這樣不公平 請妳盡力 把我忘記
Zhe yang bu gong ping qing ni jin li ba wo wang ji
It’s not fair like this, so I ask you to spare no effort in forgetting me

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