缺口 [Rift / Notch] - Freya Lin 林凡 {Mandarin 12}

天亮了 妳睡了
it’s dawn, you are asleep
在唇邊 偷偷的
on your lips, secretly
plant a dream that blooms a million times
夢中我想不起來 愛上妳的初衷
when dreaming i couldn’t remember, the intention of falling in love with you
you use your toes to remind me playfully
我安靜 妳囉嗦
i’m quiet, you’re long winded
我寵貓 妳愛狗
i pamper cats, you love dogs
we don’t have excuses for a love at first sight
一杯咖啡過後 留下心動的線索
after one cup of coffee, left a evidence of heart beating
the story is flows again in the crossroads
想和妳一起撐傘漫步雨中 默默牽手走過
want to hold an umbrella with you and walking slowly in the rain, holding hands walking silently
妳卻將傘拋在風中 擁抱雨和我
however you throw the umbrella into the wind, embracing the rain and me
我們完全不同卻難以抗拒 說謊都很透明
we are totally different however hard to resist, even lying is transparent
愛情裡需要的證據 矛盾卻美麗
the evidence that needed in love, contradictive but beautiful
(only) you, it’s you
(then) i can be myself
each other are the notch of each other
我安靜 妳囉嗦
i’m quiet, you’re long winded
我寵貓 妳愛狗
i pamper cats, you love dogs
we don’t have excuses for a love at first sight
一杯咖啡過後 留下心動的線索
after one cup of coffee, left a evidence of heart beating
the story is flows again in the crossroads
想和妳一起撐傘漫步雨中 默默牽手走過
want to hold an umbrella with you and walking slowly in the rain, holding hands walking silently
妳卻將傘拋在風中 擁抱雨和我
however you throw the umbrella into the wind, embracing the rain and me
我們完全不同卻難以抗拒 說謊都很透明
we are totally different however hard to resist, even lying is transparent
愛情裡需要的證據 矛盾卻美麗
the evidence that needed in love, contradictive but beautiful
(only) you, it’s you
(then) i can be myself
each other are the notch of each other
忽然間 手指鉤到口袋裡破洞
suddenly, my finger hooked the hole in the pocket
妳的笑 又在我耳邊熟悉吹動
your laughter, again blowing familiarly next to my ear
路燈下顫抖中 抬頭望妳的星座
shaking under the street light, head up to look at your star sign
just knew that being lonely is a sumptuous feeling
想和妳一起撐傘漫步雨中 默默牽手走過
want to hold an umbrella with you and walking slowly in the rain, holding hands walking silently
妳卻將傘拋在風中 擁抱雨和我
however you throw the umbrella into the wind, embracing the rain and me
我們完全不同卻難以抗拒 說謊都很透明
we are totally different however hard to resist, even lying is transparent
愛情裡需要的證據 矛盾卻美麗
the evidence that needed in love, contradictive but beautiful
(only) you, it’s you
(then) i can be myself
each other are the notch of each other

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