This is a song for a TV Series called Justice Bao 包青天 Bāo Qīng Tiān. 236-episode television series from Taiwan, first airing on Chinese Television System (CTS) from February 1993 to January 1994
昨日像那東流水 離我遠去不可留
Yesterday is like that river running to the East, faraway, leaving me behind.
今日亂我心 多煩憂
Today troubles my heart, so much weariness.
Sever the water with a drawn sword but the water keeps running.
Raise the glass to drown the sorrow but the sorrow begets more sorrow.
Tomorrow morning clear wind drifts everywhere.
由來只有新人笑 有誰聽到舊人哭
Often there is the smile of the new person. Who has heard of weeping of the old one?
愛情兩個字 好辛苦
Love and affection these two words, very painful.
是要問一個明白 還是要裝作糊塗
Should have asked for a complete understanding, or pretended to be muddled?
Knowing more knowing less hard to know enough.
看似個鴛鴦蝴蝶 不應該的年代
Looks like Mandarin duck butterfly, not the era to be.
But who can shed the misgivings of the human sphere?
花花世界 鴛鴦蝴蝶 在人間已是癲
This insincere World, Mandarin duck butterfly, already insane on Earth,
何苦要上青天 不如溫柔同眠
Why then want to be in Heaven? Might as well sleep together gently tenderly.
Thank you for teh great translation, note that 鴛鴦 symbolically represents male and female, two sides of a whole.