理智與感情 [Reason And Feeling/Emotion] - Jason Chan 陳柏宇 + Rannie Yang 楊丞琳 {Cantonese 09}

琳: 遺憾到無助到難受到殘酷到到早上很怕張開眼睛
So regretful, so helpless, so painful, so cruel that I don't want to open my eyes in the morning
When I look up to see an ash-filled wall, I think of that face; then I want to runaway and complain about my life
宇: 這麼感性 難怪無法撇清
So sympathetic, not surprised it's so difficult to come clear of
The relationship in the past is dead
這種反應 完全是任性
This response is totally uninhibited
合: 告別唯有當擦亮眼睛
When we depart, we can only pretend for it to be a polish of the eyes

#合: 多少失戀者仍然健在
How many people who breakup are still healthy/fine
Proves that one must let go of the past before one is able to find one's future
宇: 曾被愛同樣有權分開
Those who have been loved also have the right to separate
琳: 拒絕悔改
Refuse to repent
合: 會死於愛海
Will die in the sea of love
合: 一生本應該活在現在
Throughout one's life, one should have lived in the present
掛念會美化了錯愛 永遠受害
Missing the love will beautify the mistaken love, will forever be hurt
琳: 愁在理論像哲學精彩
Worrying about the theory as exciting as philosophy
合: 說易行難無可奈#
It's easy to say, but hard to endure

琳: 誰沒有盲目過然後再麻木過要恭賀得到比失去多
Who hasn't felt numb, then felt numb again; one gains more from congratulating others than what one has lost
I've settled, I've understood; however, the flower (relationship) has blossomed, but I still long for the fruitless flower (relationship)
宇: 話雖不錯 人有時愛痛楚 太自覺可憐偏卻沒幫助
Although the words were not wrong, sometimes people like to suffer/be tortured; too conscious, is pitiful but doesn't help
大千色相 誰人憑甚麼
In this colorful world (world with thousands of colors), whom with what
合: 會令誰永世困在最初
Will cause whom to be troubled forever at the starting point


琳: 如可 這麼理智的話
If one can act so reasonably,
宇: 那段愛可能是假
That relationship may be fake
合: 就與他哭到快樂吧
Then cry with him until he's happy
Perhaps there's a price for happiness

合: 多少失戀者仍然健在
How many people who breakup are still healthy/fine
Proves that one must let go of the past before one is able to find one's future
宇: 曾被愛同樣有權分開
Those who have been loved also have the right to separate
琳: 拒絕悔改
Refuse to repent
合: 會給感性所害
Will be hurt by one's sympathy
Throughout one's life, one should have lived in the present
Should be able to shout happily every day
Unfortunately, it is impossible for theory to be so exciting
How can one endure that loneliness


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