六月飛霜 [Snowstorm in June] - Eason Chan 陳奕迅 {Cantonese 11}

When not used to silence, upon hearing heartbeat the angst multiplies
Does not believe that freedom comes from growing naturally; hard to beat the strong with the weak; rush into the battlefield
At last, for hunting for a suit of armour one gets used to injury
For the assurance of the fantasies of a better life, the bill is payed with nightmares
Utopia; sell blood and sweat and become pillars [Who is being raised higher and higher?]
Utopia; the prey is the predator; steps wear out the forest
Floating aloft, inhabiting containers
Who would understand this anomaly?
Snowstorm in June*; everyone laughs sadly
Who would judge who's normal? Whom should be thought for?
Desires not satisfied; leftover arsenic shared like food
Like swallowing the elixir and flying to the moon; who dares think of how this society results?
When used to being awarded for concurring on the "truth" everyone says
And not used to choosing directions on a crossroads, it takes guts to leave the pack and refuse to jump off the wall
For a whole life, blood and sweat is auctioned [Who is being raised higher and higher?]
For a whole life, values appreciate like a bubble; vow to wage war on the heavens
Bury aspirations and plant fantasies
Who would understand this anomaly?
Snowstorm in June; everyone laughs sadly
Who would judge who's normal? Whom should be thought for?
Desires not satisfied; leftover arsenic shared like food
Like swallowing the elixir and flying to the moon; who dares think of how this society results?
Although it's extremely common for you and I to battle
To be so arrogant to fight the heavens, now that's a good model
The song of Genesis is sung in unison with splendor
How to bind the setting sun with manpower?
How to switch day and night with capital?
Please, applaud!
Used to this anomaly, who would be screaming?
Snowstorm in June; the world is ridiculously strange
Who would decide who's normal? Who would think differently?
Insufficient ecstasy; leftover arsenic shared like a recipe
Who dares say that the elixir kills? Who dares believe in radical viewpoints?
Everyone has a mouth, and there are hundreds of versions of truth; who presents it beautifully?
At the most amusing, it's normal to cry
At the most solemn, it's normal to laugh
Who can develop normally?

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