黃金時代 [Golden Era] - Eason Chan 陳奕迅 {Cantonese 98}

買了球鞋再買玩具 甚至想 花光一切買新居
bought sport shoes then bought toys, even want to spend everything to buy a new house
愛上談情再愛入睡 直到想 躺進陌生者的家裡
loved having relationships then loved to fall asleep, until i wanted to lay into a stranger’s home
*你我永遠不肯定愛不愛誰 約不約定誰
you and me never sure about who we love, or if we are making promises or not
黃金廣場內分手 在時代門外再聚
broke up in the golden plaza, reunite outside the era
#你和誰結伴前來 是否比我精采
who is coming with you? is it better than you and me?
自從前愛到現在 是哪個可一可再
since i started to love in the past till now, who would come back to me?
你回來你不回來 儘管天蹋下來
you coming back or you not coming back, even the sky falls down
但仍然值得與你 用餘下時間談論愛(沒錯過甚麼再分開)
it will still be worth, to talk about love with you in the time we left (didn’t miss anything then separate)
吃喝完成再去玩樂 甚至想 天光之際看星光
after eating and drinking then go to have fun, even want to look at the starlight during sunrise
吻你眉頭吻至寂寞 直到想 擁吻漫畫中的主角
kissing your eyebrow and then feeling lonely, until i wanted to kiss the character in the comic books
Repeat *#
你與我湊巧經過 就像在咖啡座
you and me just passes by coincidence, it’s like in a cafe
一個兩個三個 太悶或是太多
one,two or three, too boring or too many
Repeat #

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