獻世 [Waste Of Space] - Jordan Chan 陳小春 {Cantonese 03}

我沒有膽掛念 你沒有心見面
ngo mut jau daam gwaa nim nei sam gin min
I do not have the guts to worry you do not have the intention of meeting

試問我可以去邊 只要我出現
si man ngo ho ji heoi bin zi jiu ngo ceot jin
well where can I go as long as I appear

只怕你不便 亦連累你丟臉
zi paa nei bat bin jik lin leoi nei diu lim
only afraid you become inconvenient also implicate you feel ashamed

你是我的秘密 我是你的廢物
nei si ngo dik bei mat ngo si nei dik fai mat
you are my secret I am your rubbish

缺席也不算損失 今晚你生日
kyut zik jaa bat syun syun sat gam maan nei saang jat
absence is also not considered a loss tonight is your birthday

祝我有今日 地球上快消失
zuk ngo jau gam jat dei kau soeng faai siu sat
wish me there is today on earth to quickly disappear

ngaan leoi waan si lau kap tin fu wai
tears still keep for the sky to comfort

nei si cin dou ho bit ting ngo fai
you are former why is it necessary to listen to me "bark"

再不走 有今生 無下世
zoi bat zau jau gam saang mou haa sai
again do not leave have this life without next life

你是否想我 起這個毒誓
nei si fau soeng ngo hei ze go duk sai
do you or not want me to start this poisonous oath

ning jyun sat lyun jik bat soeng sat lai 
rather break up also not want feel ashamed

naan dou jiu deoi zoek nei lik hit sing sai
could it be needing to face you exhausted in strength and sound

即使不抵 都要眼閉
zik si bat dai dou jiu ngaan bai
although cannot sustain still want to die in peace (eyes closed)

ngo ze zung san sai
my type of background
有甚麼資格 獻世*
jau sam mo zi gaak hin sai
have what qualifications to make a spectacle of myself

我共你不夠熟 眼淚也比較濁
ngo gung nei bat gau suk ngaan leoi jaa bei gaau zuk
me and you are not familiar enough tears are also comparatively impure

也沒氣質對你哭 不介意孤獨
jaa mut hei zat deoi nei huk bat gaai ji gu duk
also do not have the temperament to face you crying do not mind being alone

比愛你舒服 別離就當祝福
bei oi nei syu fuk bit lei zau dong zuk fuk
more comfortable than loving you regard leaving as blessings

再不走 有今生 無下世 
你是否想我 起這個毒誓
即使不抵 都要眼閉
有甚麼資格 獻世*

即使不抵 都要眼閉
zik si bat dai dou jiu ngaan bai
although cannot sustain still want to die in peace (eyes closed)

ngo zi bei bat paa
I am inferior not afraid

有自尊只怕 怕獻世
jau zi zyun zi paa paa hin sai 
having self esteem only afraid afraid to make a spectacle of myself


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