最愛是誰 [Who I love most] - George Lam 林子祥 {Cantonese 86}

The lyrics of the song are about the protagonist trying to work out who is the person he love the most. He said that he was searching for his partner; he found her and wishes to be together forever. But time past by and now he regrets. He left his wife because he believes he found the girl that he love. Now his heart is no longer with her but he dreamed about his ex-wife. He wonder why he wanted to follow the one that he said good bye to but the one that he can spent his life with doesn’t bring him any excitement. He wanted to know how he could keep going and who is actually the person that he loves.
在世間尋覓愛侶Looking for a lover in this world
尋獲了但求共聚Found one trying to be together
然而共處半生都過去Have been together for half a life
我偏偏又後悔But I regret
別了他原為了你 For you I left him
留住愛亦留住罪Kept the love and kept the guilt
誰料伴你的心今已碎Who knows the heart that has accompanied you is broken now
卻有他在夢裡But having him in dream
為何離別了Why already parted
卻願再相隨But still follow you
為何能共對Why being together 
又平淡似水But plain as water
問如何下去Asking how to go on 
為何猜不對Why can't guess correct
何謂愛, 其實最愛只有誰?What is love, actually who I love most?
(何謂愛 誰讓我找到愛的証據)(What is love, actually who I love most?)
任每天如霧過去Let everyday pass like fog
沉默裡 任寒風吹In silence, let the chilly wind blow
誰人是我一生中最愛Who is my most loved in this life
答案可是絕對?Can the answer be definite?


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the translation of this song! I really liked the song and now understanding the lyrics fully makes it even better :)
