潛龍勿用 [The Hidden Dragon Is Forbidden (A Capable Person Biding His Time)] - Nicholas Tse 謝霆鋒 {Cantonese 01}

The title of this song has a much deeper meaning than what we have translated, if you would like to know more about the meaning behind the phrase then you can do a search online about it.

Composer: Nicholas Tse (謝霆鋒) (谢霆锋)

Lyricist: Lin Xi (林夕) (林夕) 

Valuable belongings need to be kept a secret

You hide on me
Using the telephone cord to strangle my neck until it gets sensitive
Year after year day after day you
Continue to keep my fingerprints
You should not move, you have a lot of dust on you
Quickly use the soap to scrub yourself down
Just like a necklace obediently follow me closely
We were definitely sweet
The whole universe were just us
I give you refined blood vessels
I give you five exquisite senses
It doesn't mean you need to make the fact that you're doing trials public
I give you a handgun
I don't give you any bullets
It will lingeringly communicate with you
I give you a pair of hands
It doesn't mean you need to embrace oh embrace
I don't want to embrace to the point of hysteria
Done to the point that everyone happily uses it
This is a promise, do you understand?

Why take sweetened words and honeyed phrases to prove your mouth is useful?
Don't you go thinking that being with me long-term will make you lose the skills of your mouth
Why take eyebrows and temples to prove your beauty is useful?
Remember a capable person bides his time
Do you understand this abstruse?

You are like belongings that need to guard a secret
You hide in my heart
You're using whatever pair of hands and legs to find your new life
From now on unrelated people should stay away
In the future I'd rather if you weren't human
I give you refined blood vessels
I give you five exquisite senses
But I am bent on giving you giving you one beating heart
I give you a handgun
I allow you to fire a bullet
It doesn't mean you have to put it in someone's chest
I give you a pair of hands
But I am bent on embracing you
So you deserve to become hysterical
You swear it will be used happily by everyone
Useful and not useful, do you understand?


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