年年有今日 [Every year there is today] - Leo Ku 古巨基 {Cantonese 08}

我未忘在小店 與你吃炸醬麵 這生日太經典
ngo mei mong joi siu dim yu nei hek ja jeung min je saang yat taai ging din
I have not forgotten the small cafe that we ate fried noodles in this birthday is too classic

憑朱耳繩使芳心甜 自此開始發展
pang jyu yi sing si fong sam tim ji chi hoi chi faat jin
relying on cheap jewelry to make you smile from then we started to date

若是錢袋不變 也要與你逐年 共渡難忘經驗
yeuk si chin doi bat bin ya yiu yu nei juk nin gung dou naan mong ging yim
if my wallet does not change I still want to go through unforgettable experiences with you

如經我手的更鮮甜 願跟海鮮血戰
yu ging ngo sau dik gang sin tim tun gan hoi sin hyut jin
if passing through my hand will make it is sweeter I am willing to battle with seafood

每份禮物籌劃過 全配合你星座
mui fan lai mat chau waak gwo chyun pui hap nei sing jo
every present is planned and prepared all coordinated with your constellation

明年惟求能突破 只清唱半段情歌
ming nin wai kau nang dat po ji ching cheung bun dyun ching go
next year I only hope I can breakthrough only purely singing half a love song

那日會如何渡過 而你亦鳴謝我
na yat wui yu ho dou gwo yi nei yik ming je ngo
that day how will I make it through and you will also thank me

盼望髮白仍是我 想該天與你怎過
paan mong faat baak ying si ngo seung goi tin yu nei jam gwo
hope that with white hair I am still me want to spend that day with you

今天配你再大一歲 仍純得似清水
gam tin pui nei joi daai yat seui ying seun dak chi ching seui
today I join with you to grow a year older still as pure as clear water

如我愛你是金句 要講到你睡去
yu ngo oi nei si gam geui yiu gong dou nei seui heui
if I love you is a golden phrase I want to say it until you sleep

一生陪你每大一歲 仍洞悉你心水
yat saang pui nei mui daai yat seui ying dung sik nei sam seui
all my life I want to accompany you to grow a year older still understand what you like

不忍你 流半滴淚 為了理想新居 再賣力亦無拘
bat yan nei lau bun dik leui wai liu lei seung san geui joi maai lik yik mou keui
do not tolerate you to cry half a tear for a dream home working again is not a problem

日夜勤力爭氣 每到這個日期 都想給你驚喜
yat ye kan lik jaang hei mui dou je go yat kei dou seung kap nei ging hei
day and night I work hard every time it is that date I want to give a surprise

如卡地亞錶能報喜 儲蓄得有道理

yu ka dei nga biu nang bou hei chyu chuk dak yau dou lei
if a Cartier watch can report success saving for it has meaning

禮物縱未迎合你 仍讚頌我品味
lai mat jung mei ying hap nei ying jaan jung ngo ban mei
presents has never pleased you still you praise my taste

送上我從前日記 竟使你快樂無比
sung seung ngo chung chin yat gei ging si nei faai lok mou bei
giving you my old journal actually made you happier than ever

接受我未成大器 仍當十全十美
jip sau ngo mei sing daai hei ying dong sap shyun sap mei
accepting that I have yet to become successful still act as if I am perfect

對合照來描劃你 真跡比鑽戒優美
deui hap jiu loi miu waak nei jan jik bei jyun gaai yau mei
using a picture to draw you the real thing is more elegant than a diamond ring

今天配你再大一歲 仍純得似清水
gam tin pui nei joi daai yat seui ying seun dak chi ching seui
today I join with you to grow a year older still as pure as clear water

如我愛你是金句 要講到你睡去
yu ngo oi nei si gam geui yiu gong dou nei seui heui
if I love you is a golden phrase I want to say it until you sleep

一生陪你每大一歲 仍洞悉你心水
yat saang pui nei mui daai yat seui ying dung sik nei sam seui
all my life I want to accompany you to grow a year older still understand what you like

不忍你 流半滴淚 能有你這愛侶 我自門被抬舉
bat yan nei lau bun dik leui 
nang yau nei je oi leui ngo ji man bei toi geuido not tolerate you to cry half a tear to have you as a lover I feel as if I am undeserving

陪你再大一歲 不需手鈰的生日裡
pui nei joi daai yat seui bat seui sau sik dik saang yat leui
accompanying you to grow a year older no longer needing jewelry for your birthday

使我知 在乎誰
si ngo ji joi fu seui
letting me know who you care about


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