真的愛妳/真的愛你 [I really love you / Truly Love You] - Beyond {Cantonese 89}

The pair of hands that can’t be made up anymore
Have given me warmth from behind all the time.
Though long-winded in words, she always shows her concern.
I feel really guilty for paying back with disregard.

She did not appreciate the way I was addicted in musical scale.
Yet she’s never withheld from me the maternal love.
I’ve decided to break out from my inner struggle
In order to repay my debt of gratitude some day.

Her beneficial influence has thoroughly warmed up my heart.
She forever looks after me and gives me everything without complain.

Thanks to your tender gaze,
I’ve been taught to be persistent and forward-looking.
I’ve been urged never to give up when I fall down.

I can’t explain how to fully repay my debt of gratitude.
Love is magnanimity without bounds.
Please allow me to merely say “I truly love you”.


I still remember the pair of tender hands,
Forever looking after me without fail.
Today I’ve finally achieved my ideal.
I hope you can have a share in my glory.


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