心血 [Effort] - Andy Hui 許志安 {Cantonese 94}

發覺你變得敷衍我 你的手逃避觸摸到我
realised that you became perfunctory to me, you hands avoid to touch me
若晚上和我坐 亦無言無話像厭我 你可知心多麼不好過麼
if sitting with me at night, you also don’t talk it’s like you hate me, do you know that my heart is not feeling good?
*(但)你共我 同度過生命悲傷歡暢 每次風霜把我們越擦亮
(but) you and me, have shared the happiness and sadness in life, every time the wind and frost shined us brighter.
 我問你難道你捨得這些心血 棄掉我倆 求你別這樣
i ask you are you willing to let go of these effort? giving up on us, i’m begging you please don’t
#誰如我愛你那麼多 別當我猶如路過 為何仍然贈我這苦楚
who loves you as much as i do? don’t pretend that i’m a passerby. why still gave me this pain?
 誰如我愛你那麼多 原來從未認識我 還是未真過(難道認真錯)
who loves you as much as i do? is it that you never met me, or you never be true to me? (is being serious wrong ?)
何故你似再也不喜歡我 縱相擁如陌生者一個
why is that you seem not like me anymore? even if we embraced you’re like stranger
是我們完了吧 或旁人隨便代替我 我怕知 知得多增添痛楚
it’s that we are finished right? or someone just replaced me randomly. i’m scared to know, the more i know it increases pain
Repeat *,# #,(#)

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