傷不起 [Unbearable] - Yisa Yu 郁可唯 {Mandarin 12}


就像一個夢想 只能 想像
Just like a dream, (one is) only able to imagine
就像兩個氣球 不容 碰撞
Just like two balloons, unable to collide
說聲很有感覺 簡單 
To say sounds have feelings is simple, 
承認真實相處的感覺 很難
To admit (one's) true feelings is very difficult.
一點點不安 就掛在心上
A little unrest is enough be remembered in one's heart*

1: 不是愛不起 只是傷不起
It's not that (I) am unable to love, only that it's unbearable
Only know how to preserve a weak romance, 
Don't know who doesn't measure his own capabilities
怕難過 想難忘 
Fear sadness, think of the unforgettable, 
Believe that (your) goals are perfect, yet unable to bear injuries
既然歡樂變成負擔 只有不歡而散
Since this is the case, happiness becomes burdensome, only ending in discord. 

就像咖啡只能 不斷 加糖
Just like coffee, (where one is) only able to add more sugar
就像親吻不曾 預備 辛酸
Just like a kiss, never ready for bitterness
只會接受相擁感動 不願面對抱頭痛哭 難堪
Only willing to receive a heart-warming embrace, unable to embarrassingly cry on each other's shoulders
沒想到這樣 也只能這樣 
(I) never thought that this way could only be the only one

Repeat 1

不是不愛你 只是傷不起
It's not that I don't love you, only that it is unbearable.
Always sharing joys, never thought of sharing burdens
Always facing the impetuousness of lost hope**
才失望 就絕望
It is only when you are disappointed, that you become desperate
(And) believe that your perfect goals have become defeated***
既然歡樂變成負擔 活該 不歡而散
Since this is the case, happiness becomes burdensome and should end in discord.

*hang in one's heart
**(unsure about this line)
***neither side is successful


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