無聲仿有聲 [Wordless expression] - Nicholas Tse 謝霆鋒 {Cantonese 97}

Composer: Ronald Ng (伍樂城) (伍乐城)
Lyricist: Nicholas Tse (謝霆鋒) (谢霆锋)/Lee Man (李敏) (李敏) 

Opening: "I don't trust words that much because words can be false. Maybe because of this I don't know how to face the world. People tend to misunderstand me."

Don't know how to convey my message?

And this time
I called you, it was really astonishing
The most beautiful as well as the most true
However, it seems false
The silently weeping voice is hoarse
And you say that you are happy and scared
You don't trust love?

With my lover
One deep kiss in place of words
Is that ok?

This message is a wordless expression
In the time of experience there's not yet the need to understand

With my lover
Tightly embracing in place of words
Is that ok?
You are happy; you want to shed tears
But I don't allow you to shed them

I am by your side
Please do not be scared

Middle: "But I believe, even if it is a soundless voice, I will find a friend.
We won't need to speak one word, resonance, will already emerge."

Don't know how to tell you my intentions?
Still owing some words
Hanging gently on the end of my lips
Give me some confidence ok?
I can hear
The low weeping voice which is hoarse
And I say that I will make a sacrifice
My heart hurts
But can you hear it?

With a frozen expression gazing at
This stream of tears of yours
I discover
I already completely understand
And I didn't need you to open your mouth

Ending: "As long as there is resonance, no sound still sounds good."


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