愛情歲月 [Love From Those Years] - Ekin Cheng 鄭伊健 {Cantonese 00}

If I didn’t have the memory
How can I reminisce,
If I didn’t have the past.
It’s not like I would go through the trials
and walk to the end with you.
I hate myself for not hiding the vision from my heart,
I hate that I still have a soft spot.
When I saw her pass by,
It was bitter and sweet,
As if love isn’t already stranded.
But the years clearly showed that she means nothing;
With courage, she fell for me when I was innocent.
Just left behind what we had been through;
Should these episodes be replayed,
A lifetime wouldn’t be enough.
I hope you, too, can see that she means nothing;
She once managed to make me happy.
If I can be heartless and turn away to dodge her,
Then do not take me to heart,
No need to fall for me.
I can pretend to forget
and walk right past you.

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