伤心的人别听慢歌 [Sad people do not listen to slow songs] - Mayday 五月天 {Mandarin 13}

nǐ kū de tài lèi le, nǐ shāng de tài shēn le, nǐ ài de tài shǎ le
You’re crying till too tired, you’re hurt too deep, you love dumbly

nǐ kū de jiù xiàng shì mò rì yào lái le
You’re crying just like it’s the end of the world

oh~ oh~

Suǒ yǐ nǐ tīng màn gē, hěn màn hěn màn de gē, tīng de xīn rú dāo gē
that’s why you listen to slow song, very very slow song, listen until you feel like as if a knife is piercing your heart

Shì bu shì yīng gāi huàn yì zhǒng jié zòu le
shouldn’t you change into a different rhythm

* oh~ oh~不要再问谁是对的谁是错的谁是谁非谁又亏欠谁了
bú yào zài wèn, shuí shì duì de, shuí shì cuò de, shuí shì shuí fēi, shuí yòu kuī qiàn shuí le
don’t ask anymore, who is right, who is wrong, who is and who isn’t, who owes who

fǎn zheng cuò le, fǎn zheng shū le, fǎn zheng zì jǐ péi zì jǐ kuài lè
Already wrong after all, already lose after all, one accompany oneself happiness after all

** 我不管你是谁的谁是你的我是我的
wǒ bù guǎn nǐ shì shuí de, shuí shì nǐ de, wǒ shì wǒ de
I don’t care who are you belong to, who is yours, I am mine

ràng xīntiào, dòng cì, dòng cì, dòng cì, dòng cì, gǎnjué huózhe
let the heart beats, moving, moving, moving, moving, feeling alive

wǒ bù guǎn zhàn zhe, zuò zhe, tang zhe, pā zhe, dōu yào kuài lè
I don’t care whether standing, sitting, lying upside, lying on back, all must be happy

ràng yīn yuè dòng cì, dòng cì, dòng cì, dòng cì, kuài yào lóng le
let the music moving, moving, moving, moving, almost deaf

Bù guǎn le, bù xiǎng le, bù děng le, bú yào bú kuài lè
don’t care anymore, don’t think anymore, don’t wait anymore, don’t be unhappy

Shāng xīn de rén bié tīng màn gē
sad people shouldn’t listen to slow songs

rén shēng fēn fēn hé hé, ài qíng lā la chě chě, yí lù qū qu zhé zhé
life is full of meeting and parting, love is going back and forth, twist and turns all the way

wǒ hái shi qī dài míng rì de xīn jǐng sè
I’m still looking forward to tomorrow’s new scenery

oh~ oh~
fèn qīng dōu shì huái le, guāng gùn dōu liàn ài le, bēi jù dōu yuán mǎn le
Youth’s anger has relieved, singles are already taken, tragedy has become satisfactory

měi yí duàn zhēng zhí dōu fēi chū hé píng gē
Every dispute are resulting into dove of happiness

repeat *

repeat **

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