分身術 [Two places at once tricks] - Joey Yung 容祖兒 {Cantonese 04}

一出街 能重遇你不禁心中暗喜
when i go out, being able to meet you again makes me feel pleased in my heart
一轉身 為何又有一個分身的你
when i turn around, why there has a clone of you ?
這裡有你 那裡有你 每個途人亦似足從前的你
this place has you, that place has you, every passers-by also looks like you in the past
彷彿將 藏在下意識中黑盒揭起
it seems like it revealed the black box which hid in my conscious
鎖起的 舊愛記憶集體傾巢逃離
the locked old love memories all escaped
四百個你 八百個你 企滿行人路裡 步步露殺機
four hundreds you, eight hundreds you, standing on the footpath, with the intention to kill in every step

無謂太過 我欠你什麼這麼迫我?
no need to be too over, what do i owe you that makes you to force me like that?
你不是那一天 已撇下我麼?
didn’t you already abandoned me that day?
還是我 被害後幻像太多?
or it was me, after being harmed i was having too much illusions?

* 怎麼我眼內 人人像你 人人是你
how come in my eyes everyone looks like you, everyone is you
沿途萬里 完全被封鎖
miles on the way, all being blocked
how many are on the street corner in front ?
徘徊著 未散的 靈魂在共我拍拖
hovering, haven’t gone, the soul is having a relationship with me
你的分身 怎麼緊貼著我
your clones, how come they are following me closely?
whether they’re real or fake it already mixed up
還是以前的事 不捨得的一個是我 (2x最拋不低的那是我)
or the events in past, the one who was not willing to let go was me. (2x the one who couldn’t let go the most was me.)

小小的提示 亦會將你清楚記起
a little hint will also make me to remember you clearly
不小心 望見某君像你一堂濃眉
accidentally seeing someone who has a thick eyebrow like you
看進眼裡 也變作你 陳年舊戲幕幕又揭起
when look into eyes, he also became you, the past events have been raised up again
無謂太過 我欠你什麼苦苦追我?
no need to be too over, what do i owe you that makes you chasing me hard?
你不是那一天 已撇下我麼?
didn’t you already abandoned me that day?
還是我 極念舊 後患太多?
or it was me, extremely like missing the past, too many future troubles?

Repeat * (2x)

沒有人懲罰我 完全是我 難平復淒楚
no one punish me, it’s totally me, hard to recover from the sadness
created thousands of you with my imagination
徘徊著 未散的 靈魂在共我拍拖
hovering, haven’t gone, the soul is having a relationship with me
那些追憶 本可一躍就過
those memories, should have jumped through
but i happened like to getting torment by it again and again
其實滿懷執著 不甘心的一個是我
actually the one who was full of stubbornness and not willing to let go was me

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