特別的愛給特別的你 [Special Love For a Special You] - Sky Wu 伍思凱 {Mandarin 90}

没有承诺, 却被你抓得更紧 Had not pledged that, actually is grasped by you tightly
没有了你, 我的世界雨下个不停 without You, my world rain has not gotten down not to stop
我付出一生的时间, 想要忘记你 I pay the life the time, wants to forget you
但是回忆, 回忆, 回忆 But recollects, recollection, recollection
从我心里, 跳出来, 拥抱你 From my heart, jumps out, hugs you

特别的爱, 给特别的你 Special love, for special you
我的寂寞, 逃不过你的眼睛 My loneliness, runs away only your eye
特别的爱, 给特别的你 Special love, for special you
你让我越来越不相信自己 You let me more and more not believe oneself

我还听见, 你的声音 I also hear, your sound
轻轻萦绕着我的心 Gently is lingering my heart
我还不能, 接受分离 I cannot, accept the separation
就是永远不能在一起 Is never can in the same place 


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