戀愛大過天 [Love is Bigger than the Sky] - Twins, Charlene Choi A-Sa 蔡卓妍 {Cantonese 01}

學業要緊 我會小心
Study is important, i will pay attention to it
however the ‘him’ i like is nearby
just found that i’m more concentrate at chatting than exams
難道沒有他 我會更自愛
without him, will i be more self-respect?
何時可戀愛 理論為何沒記載
when can i fall in love? why is that not on the theories?
to say what should i do.
* 同學愛新鮮 戀愛大過天
classmates love freshness, love is bigger than the sky
whether i think or not i miss it day and night
even sweet dreams are not sweet enough
當然 現在我未成年 讓我膚淺
of course, i’m not an adult yet, let me be shallow
only know that love is bigger than the sky
forget about the useful motto
automatically walking pass in front of him
怎麼閃 同學始終會遇見
how to escape? being classmates will eventually meet
學習太多 愛好太少
too much study, too little hobbies
time passes when i wink
why is he more important than homework?
難道沒有他 我會更自愛
without him, will i be more self-respect?
何時可戀愛 理論為何沒記載
when can i fall in love? why is that not on the theories?
to say what should i do.
repeat *
少女愛暗戀本是自然 現在志願以後或會變
teenage girls love having crush should be a natural thing, the preference right now may change later
而我是否懂得愛 不應該也難改變
do i know how to love…shouldn’t but also hard to change.
repeat *
(未大個女 你大概應該) 天空海闊甚麼都喜愛
(haven’t grown up yet…you should probably…) love everything as the sky is big and the ocean is wide
(未大個女 你大概應該) 談些少戀愛 談更多未來
(haven’t grown up yet…you should probably…) talk less about love, talk more about the future
(未大個女 我大概應該) 應不應要為他鍛練期待
(haven’t grown up yet…i should probably…) should i practice to have expectation from him ?
(未大個女 我大概應該) 如果可愛 愛愛亦無害
(haven’t grown up yet…i should probably…) if it’s lovable, to give love a try is also harmless
(未大個女 你大概應該) 難道老來先可以戀愛
(haven’t grown up yet…you should probably…) do i need to get old to fall in love?

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