來夜方長 [Long nights to come] - William So 蘇永康 + Kit Chan 陈洁仪 {Cantonese 99}

女:是記憶沒法可承載 是昨天沒法敢期待 模糊地描劃著將來 明白這幻覺便叫戀愛
K: it’s the memory that cannot be carried, it’s yesterday that does not dare to be expected. Drawing the future vaguely, understand that this illusion is called love
男:就似生命裡的潮漲 令那海岸緩緩擴張 才讓我與妳悄悄遇上 能用愛去印證 世事無常
W: it’s like the tide in life, making that seacoast expend slowly, then just let me and you meet silently, can use love to prove that things change
*男:猶如流星更改方向 女:讓你我戀上
W: like shooting stars changed direction K: made us fall in love
 男:猶如奇蹟終於趕上 女:終於也趕上
W: like a miracle i finally caught up K: finally caught up
 男:有如地闊天長 女:Ah …
W: as if the earth is wide and the sky is long K: Ah …
 女:我怎相信來夜方長 男:Hm …
K: how could i believe that there are many nights to come
 女:緩緩流水更改方向 男:讓妳我戀上
K: the slowly stream changed direction W: made us fall in love
 女:茫茫人海終於趕上 男:終於也趕上
K: in the big crowd i finally caught up W: finally caught up
 女:眼前遇見的 合:沒法想
K: what i met in front of my eyes C: can’t imagine
 合:但這柔情 令海和天遇上 *
C: but this tenderness, made the ocean and the sky meet
女:像眼睛下了一場雨 用兩手沒法可留住 流著淚來尋覓歡愉
K: it’s like the eyes rained, cannot be hold with the two hands, crying to seek for fun, aren’t you like shooting stars?
男:是那些愉快的時間 令妳鎖在我眉宇間 無論這個世界再耀眼
W: it’s those time of joy that made you locked on my forehead, no matter how shiny the world is, can’t compared to the bright that shined when you turn around
Repeat *

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