说爱你 / 說愛你 [Say I Love You] - Jolin Tsai 蔡依林 {Mandarin 12}

Album: Magic
Year: 2003

(*) 我的世界 變得奇妙更難以言喻
Wo de shi jie bian de qi miao geng nan yi yan yu
My world has become wonderful and hard to put into words
還以為 是從天而降的夢境
Hai yi wei shi cong tian er jiang de meng jing
I still feel like it’s a dream from heaven
直到確定 手的溫度來自你心裡
Zhi dao que ting shou de wen du lai zhi ni xin li
Until I could confirm that the warmth of your hand came from your heart
這一刻 我終於勇敢說愛你
Zhe yi ke / wo chong yu yong gan shuo ai ni
At this moment, I’ve finally gathered the courage to say “I love you”
(**) 一開始 我只顧著看你
Yi kai shi wo zhi ku zhe kan ni
At the beginning, I only stared at you 
裝做不經意 心卻飄過去
Zhuang zuo bu jin yi xin que piao guo qu
Pretending it was an accident when my heart floated after you
還竊喜 你 沒發現我 躲在角落
Hai qie xi ni mei fa xian wo duo zai jiao luo
I was secretly happy you didn’t notice me hiding in the corner
忙著快樂 忙著感動 從彼此陌生到熟
Mang zhe kuai le mang zhe gan dong cong bi ci mo sheng dao shu
Busy being happy, busy being touched, from the days we were strangers to being close
會是我們從沒想過 真愛 到現在 不敢期待
Hui shi wo men cong wei xiang guo zhen ai dao xian zai bu gan qi dai
I never imagined true love until now
(***) 要證明自己 曾被你想起 really
Yao zhen ming zi ji ceng bei ni xiang qi really
How can you prove that you really think about me?
我胡思亂想就從今天起 I wish
Wo hu si luan xiang jiu cong jin tian qi I wish
Let my imagination run away from today, I wish
像一個陷阱 卻從未猶豫 相信
Xiang yi ge xian jing que cong wei you yu xiang xin
It’s like a trap, but I’ve never hesitated in believing
你真的願意 就請給我驚喜
Ni zhen de yuan yi jiu qing gei wo jing xi
If you’re really willing, please give me a surprise
(****) 關於愛情 過去沒有異想的結局
Guan yu ai qing guo qu mei you yi xiang de jie ju
Regarding love, I never imagined this result
那天起 卻顛覆了自己邏輯
Na tian qi que dian fu le zi ji luo ji
From that day on, my whole logic has been turned upside down
我的懷疑 所有答案因你而明白
Wo de huai yi sou you da an yin ni er ming bai
All my suspicions and answers are understood because of you
轉啊轉 就真的遇見 Mr.right
Zhuan a zhuan jiu zhen de yu jian Mr. Right
I’ve turned and turned and really found my Mr. Right

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