給自己的情書 [Love Letter To Myself] - Faye Wong 王菲 {Cantonese 00}

請 不要灰心 你也會有人妒忌
Please don’t be discouraged; you will make someone jealous
你 仰望到太高 貶低的只有自己
You place your hopes and expectations too high, belittling only yourself
別 蕩失太早 旅游有太多勝地
Don’t drift away so early, traveling has too many scenic spots
你 記住你發膚 會與你慶祝鑽禧
Remember your successes, it will be for you a celebration of happiness

*啦啦啦 慰藉自己
Lalala, comfort yourself
Happy things need a special mindset to be recalled
啦啦啦 愛護自己
Lalala, cherish yourself
It's a truth taken from the world

#〔我要給我〕寫 這高貴情書
(I need to give myself) write this noble love letter
用自言自語 作我的天書
Using my words as I speak them aloud, I author my own sacred book
自己都不愛 怎麼相愛
If you don’t love yourself, how can you love others?
How to give your loved ones blessings?

+〔憑著我〕這 千斤重情書 在夜欄盡處
(I rely upon) this heaviest love letter in this lately fenced area
如門前大樹 沒有他〔他不可〕倚靠
Like the big tree by my door, without anyone to (no one can) lean on
Returning home doesn’t require casting aside the rain

請 不要哀傷 我會當你是偶像
Please don’t be distressed, I will pretend you are an idol
你 要別人憐愛 先安裝一個藥箱
You need others’ love and sympathy before installing a medicine cabinet
做 什麼也好 別為著得到讚賞
Doing anything is good, but don't do it for the praise
你 要強壯到底 再去替對方設想
You need to be strong ‘til the end, again substituting your opposition’s thoughts and imagination

重唱 *,#,+

啦 拋得開手裡玩具
La ~ toss the toys from your hands
Only then will you really understand good slumber
Deep valleys you have also climbed through
Miry clay you have searched until
Until this unwilling heart believes all the sacred verses

重唱 #,+,#,+


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