高清音 [Shall We Talk] - Eason Chan 陳奕迅 {Cantonese 01}

明月光 為何又照地堂
Radiant moonlight, why do you shine on the earthly paradise again?
寧願在公園躲藏 不想喝湯
I’d rather hide in the park since I don't want to drink soup.
任由目光 留在漫畫一角
Allowing my gaze to remain on the corner of a comic
Why does looking at my mother seem like a punishment?

孩童只盼望歡樂 大人只知道寄望
Children only hope for fun, adults only know of the future.
Why don't we comprehend the need to work harder to sympathize with one another?
大門外有蟋蟀 迴響卻如同幻覺
There is a cricket outside the door; the echoes are like an illusion.
Shall we talk Shall we talk
Let's start over and walk hand-in-hand to school.

陪我講 陪我講出我們最後何以生疏
Say with me, say aloud with me that in the end we can become estranged.
誰怕講 誰會可悲得過孤獨探戈
Who's afraid of speaking? Who will be saddened by the lonely Tango?
難得 可以同座 何以 要忌諱赤裸
It's hard enough for us to get together, must we avoid baring ourselves?
如果心聲真有療效 誰怕暴露更多
If the sounds of the heart really have a healing effect, who fears to reveal even more?
You mustn't fear me.

螢幕發光 無論什麼都看
The TV screen radiates light. Regardless of what’s on, I’ll watch anyway.
Lovers on the brink of heartbreak only dare to drink soup.
若沉默似金 還談什麼戀愛
If silence is golden, yet we talk about love.
I’d rather stand before the speakers busy smiling

成人只寄望收穫 情人只聽見承諾
Adults only hope for success, lovers only hear promises.

Why don't we comprehend the need to work harder to cherish one another?
螳螂面對蟋蟀 迴響也如同幻覺
The praying mantis confronts the cricket; the echoes are also like an illusion.
Shall we talk Shall we talk
就算牙關開始打震 別說謊
Even if your jaw begins to tremble, don't tell a lie.

陪我講 陪我講出我們最後何以生疏
Say with me, say aloud with me that in the end we can become estranged.
誰怕講 誰會可悲得過孤獨探戈
Who's afraid of speaking? Who will be saddened by the lonely Tango?
難得 可以同座 何以 要忌諱赤裸
It's hard enough for us to get together, must we avoid baring ourselves?
如果心聲真有療效 誰怕暴露更多
If the sounds of the heart really have a healing effect, who fears to reveal even more?

陪我講 陪我親身正視眼淚誰跌得多
Speak with me; accompany me to face more tears that have fallen than from anyone else.
無法講 除非彼此已失去了能力觸摸
Only if the two of us have already lost the ability to touch would we be incapable of speaking.
鈴聲 可以寧靜 難過 卻避不過
The sound of a bell can be serene, yet you can't avoid feeling bad.
如果沉默太沉重 別要輕輕帶過
If the silence weighs on you too heavily, don’t take it too lightly.

明月光 為何未照地堂
Radiant moonlight, why haven't you shone on the earthly paradise?
孩兒在公司很忙 不需喝湯
I’m very busy at work and don't need to drink soup.
And shall we talk 斜陽白趕一趟
And shall we talk, the setting sun rushed in vain.
The silence allows me to hear Yip's falling voice. 


1 comment:

  1. link does not work.
    and the title was wrong , there is no Chinese name of this song , so you can delete Chinese"高清音" before [Shall we talk]
