飄流教室 [Floating Classroom] - Leo Ku 古巨基 {Cantonese 04}

If there were no touching feeling in the first love, 
then how will the next one kill me with love. 
I am here because of all these reasons.

Too many relationships. 
If breaking up is not heartbroken enough, where would this brave me appeared? 
All my past partners had taught me this. 

I once put in too much effort to love. 
So much pressure that even when we are going so well we have to breakup. 
Tried to use friendship to filled the spot, one-way love is sad. 
Really, I should truly say thanks to love, as I have learned so much. 
Who will be with me forever, tears are not everything. 

I gave you my heart, but I should also give it some protection. 
Yes, I like to win, I like to cry, but they are not a problem. 
If I don’t love the next person this way, it wouldn’t have hurt me all the way. 

Who is willing to hate for the whole life; love is not everything. 
Together, the departed, never learned to swear. 
Can pick it up, and can also let it go, 
but the school fees are very high. 

Once, this hand had wiped her tears. 
Used it to hug you to avoid you heartbroken. 
One by one become the past, and now I have see through you. 

Scared to be alone, and you bumped into me, 
so we have to be together. 
In the past there was someone that did the same to cost me a friend. 
Don’t worry, as I understand that you will eventually leave. 
Thanks, as now I can afford to lose. 

The thing that I got to learn the most is how to become numb and then start over again. 
Let every time feels as if it is the first time. 
Then restart for the next time. 
Who will be with me forever, tears are not everything. 

I gave you my heart, but I should also give it some protection. 
Yes, I like to win, I like to cry, but they are not a problem. 
If I don’t love the next person this way, it wouldn’t have hurt me all the way. 
Who is willing to hate for the whole life; love is not everything. 

Together, the departed, never learned to swear. 
Time flies, who is it this time, 
but the school fees are so high


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