长城谣 / 長城謠 [Great Wall Ballad] - Roman Tam 羅文 {Mandarin 83}

Chang cheng yao
Great Wall Ballad

万里长城万里长, 长城外面是故乡,
wan4 li3 chang2 cheng2 wan4 li3 chang2, chang2 cheng2 wai4 mian4 shi4 gu4 xiang1
Ten thousand miles Long Wall is ten thousand miles long; outside of the Long Wall is hometown.
(note: The li (里, lǐ) is a traditional Chinese unit of distance; now lǐ has a standardized length of 500 meters or half a kilometer (approx. 1640 feet).)

高梁肥大豆香, 遍地黄金少灾殃。
gao1 liang2 fei2 da4 dou4 xiang1, bian4 di4 huang2 jin1 shao3 zai1 yang1
Sorghum was fat and soybean was fragrant; everywhere was like gold without disasters.

自从大难平地起, 奸淫掳掠苦难当
zi4 cong2 da4 nan4 ping2 di4 qi3, jian1 yin2 lu3 lue4 ku3 nan2 dang1
Since great catastrophe appeared on level ground; rape, kidnap and loot were so bitter to endure.

苦难当 奔他乡, 骨肉离散父母丧。
ku1 nan2 dang1, ben1 ta1 xiang1, gu3 rou4 li2 san4 fu4 mu3 sang4
Hardship was so hard to withstand that we ran to foreign land; kinfolks separated from one another and father and mother passed away.

没齿难忘仇和恨, 日夜只想回故乡,
mo4 chi3 nan2 wang4 chou2 he2 hen4, ri4 ye4 zhi3 xiang3 hui2 gu4 xiang1
Even I got old and all teeth fallen out, I will not forget the animosity and hatred.

大家拼命保故乡, 哪怕敌人逞豪强。
da4 jia1 pin1 ming4 bao3 gu4 xiang1, na3 pa4 di2 ren2 cheng3 hao2 qiang2
Everyone, let’s fight at all costs to protect the hometown; no matter how the enemies show off their tyrant.

万里长城万里长, 长城外面是故乡,
wan4 li3 chang2 cheng2 wan4 li3 chang2, chang2 cheng2 wai4 mian4 shi4 gu4 xiang1
Ten thousand miles Long Wall is ten thousand miles long; outside of the Long Wall is hometown.

四万万同胞心一样, 新的长城万里长。
si4 wan4 wan4 tong2 bao1 xin1 yi2 yang4, xin1 de5 chang2 cheng2 wan4 li3 chang2
Four hundred million fellow citizens’ hearts are the same; new Long Wall is ten thousand miles long.

Translated by Shu


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting it!!
    I really appreciate it! :)
