一拍兩散 [Separated] - Joey Yung 容祖兒 {Cantonese 04}

Credits: lilglassrose@Lychee.azn.nu

I've been true to you until now
Didn't think I would dare to avoid your kisses
Leaning on you, who would be able to find
Someone they love even more
Unexpectedly I had a change of heart
I can't help but admit that
I have become like the type of person I used to hate

Initially, because of you, I surrounded myself with friends
Constantly accusing you of not loving me enough
And even being scared that you were not true to me
Then, it became that I felt guilty
Allowing others to clain me
I hate you for letting me go without questioning

Everyone grows apart
Who knew that we seperated after one hit
Blame me for revolting
I was not supposed to be looking for someone else
Loyalty cannot be greedy
I got used to being given up on
Just not used to admiting that I was selfish
Its too deceitful to start loving another

Sooner or later we will split
To seperate cleanly is not cruel
But I changed from good to bad
To have the nerve to cheat on you
When I want to reach ashore, its already too late
I'm too ashmaed to explain
Was it to risky to break my own promise?

At the beginning, before I dated
I had said
Girls who cheat will sooner or later cause chaos
Who could have guessed that this person was me
How can I hate myself
To be unable to face myself is what hurts me most

Why make my life miserable
Just pretend I was a troublemaker
Who continues to see him regardless of what others say
I've never been a player
But in reality, I've been playing

To love truly, it is unseen
Because he is handsome
I changed lovers
Maybe you could understand
Its only now that I understand
To fail because of love
Is a truly pain experience that I cannot not accept


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