記得忘記 [Remember to forget] - Raymond Lam 林峯 {Cantonese 02}

明天過後 來揮一揮手
ming tin gwo hau loi fai jat fai sau
after tomorrow passes come wave one's hand 

天高地厚 就此各自暢遊
tin gou dei hau zau ci gok zi coeng jau
high skies deep earth and thus each separately enjoy sightseeing 

忘記玩偶 忘不了蕩過韆鞦
mong gei wun ngau mong bat liu dong gwo cin cau
forget the toy figurine cannot forget swinging on the swing set 

zung si soeng sau do mo gan kau jik jiu zau
even if both hands are so tightly fasten also need to leave

從此以後 誰也不回頭
cung ci ji hau seoi jaa bat wui tau
from now on forward who also does not look back 

一早熱透 汗水切勿倒流
jat zou jit tau hon seoi cit mat dou lau
in the morning warm up thoroughly sweat does not flow back  

忘記沒有 忘不了路過沙丘
mong gei mut jau mong bat liu lou gwo saa yau
forget have not cannot forget passing through sand dunes 

oi dou fu gon dou zaau bat dou luk zau
love until dried up also cannot find an oasis 

*你在我記憶旅行 每步也驚心
nei zoi ngo gei jik leoi hang mui bou jaa geng sam
you are in my memory traveling each step also startling 

跟你踏過許多足印 捨不得轉身
gan nei daap gwo heoi do zuk jan se bat dak zyun san
step pass many footprints with you not willing to turn around 

你贈我太多見聞 拿不走的熱吻
nei zang ngo taai do gin man naa bat zau dik jit man
you give me too much knowledge cannot take away the passionate kiss 

多努力放低 偏不會忘記 苦戀紀念品*
do nou lik fong dai pin bat wui mong gei fu lyun gei nim ban
much effort to let go but will not forget the bitter love souvenir

seon suk gwo lou fung zang bat dung oi bit jan
a simple passing kite does not understand how to love another person

浮沙滿地 沉重的傳奇
fau saa mun dei cam zung dik cyun kei
floating sand everywhere a serious legend 

沙粒極重 任它浸沒眼眉
saa lap gik cung jam taa zam mut ngaan mei
a grain of sand is extremely heavy let it not sink to the eyebrows 

忘記道理 忘不了亦會別離
mong gei dou lei mong bat liu jik wui bit lei
forget reasoning cannot forget also will depart

zoi nei zoeng sam zi zung hak soeng zi gei
in the palm of your hand carve on myself

*你在我記憶旅行 每步也驚心
跟你踏過許多足印 捨不得轉身
你贈我太多見聞 拿不走的熱吻
多努力放低 偏不會忘記 苦戀紀念品*
mong diu zok jat gam tin bat bit jiu jit man
forget about yesterday today do not need to passionately kiss 

*你在我記憶旅行 每步也驚心
跟你踏過許多足印 捨不得轉身
你贈我太多見聞 拿不走的熱吻
多努力放低 偏不會忘記 苦戀紀念品*
seon suk gwo lou fung zang bat dung oi bit jan
a simple passing kite does not understand how to love another person

ning jyun ji hau zi ho fan hoeng bun dik man
rather from now on only can share half a drop and kiss


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