一絲不掛 [Naked] - Eason Chan 陳奕迅 {Cantonese 10}

fan sau si noi gau dik nei jat zyun lim
while breaking up the guilty you turns around 
wai jat hau bat soeng jau sam mo hin lin
for future days not want to have any entanglements
dong ngo gung zok seoi gaau tou gou jyu lok naa mo hak ji gwo hou mui tin
when I work sleep pray have fun deliberately live well everyday
seoi liu nei gin sung bong liu jau jyun gin min
who expected you to appear unrestricted (untied) and wish to meet

seoi dong co soeng baai tyut bei wai jiu zo jau
who at first wanted to break away from being surrounded left and right
gwo hau seoi jan bei jiu hung jyu sai gaai zeon tau
afterwards who is being remotely controlled to the end of the world
lak dou fu kap kwan naan coi zi bin ce sin muk ngau
tighten until breathing is difficult then know have become a stringed puppet  
這根線其實說到底 誰拿捏在手
ze gan sin kei sat syut dou dai seoi naa nip zoi sau
this string actually finally explains who grasps in their hand

*不聚不散 只等你給另一對手擒獲
bat zeoi bat saan zi dang nei kap ling jat deoi sau kam wok
not gathering not dispersing only waiting for you to provide another pair of hands to capture 
那時青絲 不會用上餘生來量度
naa si ceng si bat wui jung soeng jyu sand loi loeng dok
at that time young hair will not use the remainder of life to measure 
但我拖著軀殼 發現沿途尋找的快樂
daan ngo to zoek keoi hok faat jin jyun tou cam zaau dik faai lok
but I am dragging a soulless body discovering on the way looking for happiness
仍繫於你肩膊 或是其實在等我捨割
jing hai jyu nei gin bok waak si kei sat zoi dang ngo se got
still attached to your shoulder or actually is waiting for give up and cut
jin hau tyun sin fung zang wui zik fei tin gwok
and then the cut-off stringed kite will fly straight to the kingdom of heaven  

ze se nin mong nei gan pou taa ceot jin
these years watching you tightly embracing him appearing 
waan pang ho daam sam zoi wu soeng gau cin
still rely on what to worry about being tangled with each other again
kap ngo zaau go bun leoi zaau dou lau haa nei dik zuk jan jaa ho faat zin
allow me to find a mate find until leaving behind your footprint also can develop
cyun wai nei bui jing bik ngo bou bou hoeng cin
all for your back view forcing me to go forward step by step

jyu jat gan si hin jan zoek sap fong zi lou
if a thread draws out a scavenger road
git zoi hau lung noi han joeng dak ci jau waan mou
tied within the throat itching like having yet not  
wai nei on sam ngo zoi mei siu zung soeng tou mei tou
for you to have peace of mind while smiling I want to vomit yet do not 
zi soeng nei wo bun leoi jiu hou coi waan koeng beng hou
only want you and your mate to be good only then I will heal from a tough illness

*不聚不散 只等你給另一對手擒獲
以為青絲 不會用上餘生來量度
但我拖著軀殼 發現沿途尋找的快樂
仍繫於你肩膊 或是其實在等我捨割

一直不覺 綑綁我的未可扣緊承諾
jat zik bat gok kwan bong ngo dik mei ho kau gan sing nok
always unconscious tying me up cannot tightly fasten to a promise
滿頭青絲 想到白了仍懶得脫落
mun tau ceng si soeng dou baak liu jing laan dak tyut lok
a head full of young hair thinking until white yet do not feel like falling off
被你牽動思覺 最後誰願纏繞到天國
bei nei hin dung si gok zeoi hau seoi jyun cin jiu dou tin gwok
affected in thoughts by you in the end who wishes to entangle up to the kingdom of heaven 
然後撕裂軀殼 欲斷難斷在 不甘心去捨割
jin hau si lit keoi hok juk tyun naan tyun zoi bat gam sam heoi se got
then tear open the soulless body want to snap hard to snap not accepting to give up and cut
naan dou oi bun san ho oi zoi jyu cuk bok
could it be that love itself is adorable due to constrains
無奈你我牽過手 沒繩索
mou noi nei ngo hin gwo sau mut sing sok
however you and me held hands without rope


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