一生不變 [Never Change In This Lifetime] - Hacken Lee 李克勤 {Cantonese 89}

一幽風飛散髮 披肩 A breeze dishevelled the long hair
眼裡散發一絲 恨怨 A glimpse of bitter hatred from your eyes
像要告訴我 Seems to tell me 

你此生不變 You will not change through your whole life
眉宇間刺痛匆匆暗閃 A sharp pain flickers between the eyebrows

憂憂戚戚循環 不斷 Worry and sorrow recurs continuously
冷冷暖暖一片 茫然 Lost in a field of warmth and coldness (?)
視碰上你 When my eyes catch yours 

怎不心軟 How can I be not softhearted
唯有狠心再多講 So I have to heartlessly say again

 講一遍 Say one more time

* 蒼天不解恨怨 Heaven doesn't understand sorrow and hatred 

痴心愛侶仍難如願 Devoted lovers still cannot get their wish fulfilled
分開須不可改變 Although our separation cannot be changed 

但更珍惜一刻目前 We cherish this moment more
可知分開越遠 Do you know the more we are apart 

心中對你更覺掛牽 I miss you more in my heart
可否知痴心一片 * Do you know my devoted love to you 

就算分開一生不變 Will not change forever even we are apart

反反覆覆多次 Repeatedly 

失戀 heart broken
進進退退 Forwards & backwards 

想到 從前 I thought of the past
讓我再吻你 Let me kiss you again 

吻多一遍 Kiss you one more time
別了不知那一天(再)相見 When we said goodbye, don't know when we'll see each other again
Repeat *


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