傷信 [Hurtful Letter] - Eason Chan 陳奕迅 {Cantonese 96}

歌手: 陳奕迅

重讀著你的告別信 抑壓而暗涌
I reread your farewell letter
I suppressed my feelings, but they welled up inside
雖不信寫的話 竟可以那麼重
Although I didn't believe that the words
could be so harsh
but crying won't do anything

* 徐徐又當這信是你 緊貼我抱擁
I began to pretend that this letter was you
Embracing me tightly
可惜信太單薄 怎可填密落空
Unfortunately, the letter was too thin
How could it fill in the void?
愈信傷早抑壓 痛便愈沉重
The more I try to believe that the pain has been suppressed
The more painful it becomes

# 難平衡自己 忐忑的起伏
It's hard to balance out
my fearful ups and downs
難原諒我心 反覆的變動
It's hard to forgive myself
for fluctuating back and forth
是我個性舞擺 換來這封信
It is my fickle nature
that earned me this letter
曾令你瘋 舊情要一別而盡
I once drove you crazy
And now our love that once was is ending with your departure

+ 仍多麼需要你 仍多麼需要你
And yet, I need you so
And yet, I need you so
如今天失去了 怎麼退怎麼進
If I lose you now,
what ever am I going to do? (how do proceed)
如果可不要信 寧死都不要信
If I can choose to not believe it
I'd rather die than believe it
但看我手 再激動仍只得傷信
But looking at my hands,
no matter how agitated I get,
all I have is a hurtful letter
(a pun on) all I can do is believe it

重唱: *, #, + +


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