寵物 [Pets] - Terence Siufay 小肥 徐智勇 {Cantonese 07}

夜了 要是妳寒冷 新的攬枕攬不慣 仍不想見我 共相差距離無關
it’s night, if you feel cold, didn’t get accustomed to the new pillow, still don’t want to see me, it has nothing to do with the distance
就背向我不用麻煩 是你早拋低一千多晚 叫我忍痛放棄 實太困難
then facing away from me and no need to bother, it was you that already abandoned a thousand nights, ask me to bear the pain and give up, it’s actually too difficult
被你抱住那時間 真的擔心有今晚 明知生厭以後 火花會沖淡
the time where i had you hugging me, really worried this night would happen, already know that after getting board sparks will dilute
沒法與你 細說夢幻 只有靜靜 遙望天慨嘆
can’t talk about fantasy with you, can only looking far away to the sky and sigh silently
最愛偷看妳發夢 除去你孤單
love to watch you dreaming the most, get rid of your loneliness
淪為行過寵物 貓狗了解我的悽慘 失寵後不往後退 妳挑選了 誰跟妳 一起玩
became the pets that walk pass, cats and dogs understand my misery, after being out of favor don’t walk back, you chose who to play with you
前來迎接災難 慾望無限福氣有限 曾陪伴妳 闖過人生險關
walk front to face the disaster, unlimited wants and limited luck, used to accompany you to get past the challenges in life
於畢業禮 共妳興奮合照 不過也始終 不夠時間
in the graduation ceremony, i took photos with you with excitement, however i never had enough time
是你已另有伴侶 不想天真對不對 和他溫暖午睡 躲於被窩裡
it’s you that already have another partner, don’t want to be native right? having warm naps with him, hiding in bed
害怕變了妳倆負累 不夠地位 無奈早撤退
scared that i became the burden of the two of you, don’t have a high status, helplessly i retreated early
我最好永遠困在 垃圾廢紙堆
i better stuck in the trash forever
淪為行過寵物 貓狗了解我的悽慘 失寵後不往後退 妳挑選了 誰跟妳 一起玩
became the pets that walk pass, cats and dogs understand my misery, after being out of favor don’t walk back, you chose who to play with you
前來迎接災難 慾望無限福氣有限 曾陪伴妳 闖過人生險關
walk front to face the disaster, unlimited wants and limited luck, used to accompany you to get past the challenges in life
於畢業禮 共妳興奮合照 不過也始終 不夠時間
in the graduation ceremony, i took photos with you with excitement, however i never had enough time
凝望已遺忘的一雙眼 可掛念 從前渡過 最寒冬季 我倆同席晚餐
gazing the eyes that have already been forgotten, do you miss the coldest winter that we have been through? we had dinner at the same table
淪為行過寵物 貓狗了解我的悽慘 失寵後不往吠叫 妳都可以 和他到處浪漫
became the pets that walk pass, cats and dogs understand my misery, after being out of favor don’t go bark, you could also go to all places and do romance with him
前來迎接災難 慾望無限福氣有限 男孩令妳 掙扎在不安間
walk front to face the disaster, unlimited wants and limited luck, boy(s) make you struggling in trepidation
天高地闊 受過苦洩盡氣 得我陪伴你 不見不散
the sky is high and the earth is wide, have been suffered and discouraged, only me accompanying you, be there or be square

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